Interface IDerivedDataConfigurationContributor

    • Method Detail

      • init

        default void init()
        Performs initial data settings for contributors (usually extensible ones). This method called only once per contributor per EDT session
      • getComputers

        Collection<IDerivedDataComputer> getComputers()
        the contributed computers. Implementation should return empty collection in case if no computers are provided.
      • getContextCollectors

        Collection<IContextCollector> getContextCollectors()
        the contributed context collectors. Implementation should return empty collection in case if no descriptors are provided.
      • getContextFactories

        Collection<ITypeSpecificObjectContextFactory> getContextFactories()
        Gets the set of factories producing DD contexts specific for given segments and object types.
        The set of supported DD context factories. Null safe (implementations could return null collections).
      • getRemovalContextCollectors

        Collection<IRemovalContextCollector> getRemovalContextCollectors()
        the contributed removal context collectors. Implementation should return empty collection in case if no descriptors are provided.
      • getRemovers

        Collection<IDerivedDataRemover> getRemovers()
        Gets the collection of contributed removers.
        Contributed removers. Never null, could be empty.
      • getRestorationUpdates

        default Collection<IDerivedDataUpdate> getRestorationUpdates()
        Gets the collection of derived data updates that must be called in case of the system restoration. They could be used to restore non-reliable indexes, etc
        Contributed updates. Never null, could be empty.