Class BslAdditionalIndexInformationHelper

  • public class BslAdditionalIndexInformationHelper
    extends Object
    Special service for working with additional index data for built-in language semantic module indexing elements.
    Clients can add their special information to the index or change current index information by overriding methods of this class.
    This class provides special constants for getting index information. Example:
       public void foo(IEObjectDescription description)
          //gets information by contants: FOO_CONTANT
          String infromation = description.getUserData(FOO_CONTANT);
          //processing information
    • Field Detail


        public static final String CONTEXT_DEF_INFORMATION
        Index constant corresponding to the information about built-in language module public methods and variables
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • TIME_STAMP

        public static final String TIME_STAMP
        Index constant corresponding to the information about local time stamp of built-in module resource
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String COMMON_MODULE
        Index constant corresponding to the built-in language module index element which points that it's common module
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • GLOBAL

        public static final String GLOBAL
        Index constant corresponding to the built-in language module index element which points that it's global module
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PARAMS_COUNT
        Index constant corresponding to the information about number of parameters in global built-in language method
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String MODULE_NAME
        Index constant corresponding to the information about name of the built-in language module
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • SOURCE_URI

        public static final String SOURCE_URI
        Index constant corresponding to the information about uri of the source element of indexing element in built-in language
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String SERVER_CALL
        Index constant corresponding to the built-in language module index element which points that it's server callable element
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String EXTERNAL_CONN_MODULE
        Index constant corresponding to the built-in language module index element which points that it's external connection module
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String MANAGED_APP_MODULE
        Index constant corresponding to the built-in language module index element which points that it's managed application module
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String ORDINARY_APP_MODULE
        Index constant corresponding to the built-in language module index element which points that it's ordinary application module
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • BslAdditionalIndexInformationHelper

        public BslAdditionalIndexInformationHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • addEnvironments

        public static void addEnvironments​(Map<String,​String> userData,
                                           Environmental envtl)
        Adds information about environments of indexing element
        userData - current additional index information, can't be null
        envtl - indexing element, can't be null
      • createAdditionalModuleIndexInformation

        public Map<String,​String> createAdditionalModuleIndexInformation​(Module module)
        Create additional index information for built-in language module
        module - actual built-in language module, can't be null
        additional index information, never null
      • createAdditionalModuleItemIndexInformation

        public Map<String,​String> createAdditionalModuleItemIndexInformation​(Environmental item,
                                                                                   String moduleName,
                                                                                   ModuleType moduleType,
                                                                                   boolean serverCall,
                                                                                   String sourceUri,
                                                                                   int paramsCount)
        Create additional index information for built-in language module element
        item - built-in language module element, can't be null
        moduleName - information about built-in language module name, can't be null
        moduleType - information about built-in language module type, can't be null
        serverCall - true if need to add information that it's sever callable element
        sourceUri - information about uri of the source element corresponding to the index element, can't be null
        paramsCount - information about number of parameters in global built-in language method
        additional index information, never null
      • hasContextDefInformation

        public boolean hasContextDefInformation​(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription description)
        Checks that index element has information about built-in language module public methods and variables
        description - checking index element, can't be null
        true if element has information about built-in language module public methods and variables, false otherwise
      • getContextDefMethodNames

        public List<String> getContextDefMethodNames​(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription description)
        Gets index element information about built-in language module public methods and variables
        description - index element, can't be null
        index element information about built-in language module public methods and variables, can be null if element doesn't have such information
      • getTimestamp

        public Long getTimestamp​(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription description)
        Gets index element information about local time stamp of built-in module resource
        description - index element, can't be null
        index element information about local time stamp of built-in module resource, can be null if element doesn't have such information
      • getModuleItemParametersCount

        public Integer getModuleItemParametersCount​(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription description)
        Gets index element information about number of parameters in global built-in language method
        description - index element, can't be null
        index element information about number of parameters in global built-in language method, can be null if element doesn't have such information
      • isAppModuleType

        public boolean isAppModuleType​(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription description)
        Checks that index element corresponding to the one type of the built-in language module: managed, ordinary application module or external connection module
        description - checking index element, can't be null
        true if index element corresponding to the one type of the built-in language module: managed, ordinary application module or external connection module, false otherwise
      • addModuleType

        protected void addModuleType​(Map<String,​String> userData,
                                     ModuleType moduleType)
        Adds information about module type
        userData - current additional index information, can't be null
        moduleType - actual value of module type, can't be null
      • addServerCall

        protected void addServerCall​(Map<String,​String> userData,
                                     boolean serverCall)
        Adds information about possibility of server call
        userData - current additional index information, can't be null
        serverCall - true if sever call is allowed, false otherwise
      • addSourceUriOfExportedMethods

        protected void addSourceUriOfExportedMethods​(Map<String,​String> userData,
                                                     Module module)
        Adds information about source uri of module exports elements
        userData - current additional index information, can't be null
        module - actual built-in language module, can't be null
      • addModuleName

        protected void addModuleName​(Map<String,​String> userData,
                                     String moduleName)
        Adds information about module name
        userData - current additional index information, can't be null
        moduleName - actual value of module name, can't be null
      • addSourceModuleUri

        protected void addSourceModuleUri​(Map<String,​String> userData,
                                          String sourceUri)
        Adds information about element sourceUri
        userData - current additional index information, can't be null
        sourceUri - actual value of source uri of indexing element, can't be null
      • addParametersMethodCount

        protected void addParametersMethodCount​(Map<String,​String> userData,
                                                int value)
        Adds information about number of parameters in indexing elements
        userData - current additional index information, can't be null
        value - number of parameters
      • addGlobalDataCheck

        protected void addGlobalDataCheck​(Map<String,​String> userData,
                                          Module module)
        Adds information about that it's indexing element corresponding to the global module
        userData - current additional index information, can't be null
        module - actual built-in language module, can't be null
      • addCommonModuleDataCheck

        protected void addCommonModuleDataCheck​(Map<String,​String> userData,
                                                Module module)
        Adds information about that it's indexing element corresponding to the common module
        userData - current additional index information, can't be null
        module - actual built-in language module, can't be null
      • addModuleTimestamp

        protected void addModuleTimestamp​(<String,​String> userData,
                                          Module module)
        Adds information about time stamp of the resource corresponding to the indexing element
        userData - current additional index information, can't be null
        module - actual built-in language module, can't be null
      • addModuleContextDefInformation

        protected void addModuleContextDefInformation​(Map<String,​String> userData,
                                                      Module module)
        Adds information about built-in language module public methods and variables
        userData - current additional index information, can't be null
        module - actual built-in language module, can't be null