Interface IDynamicContextDefProvider

    • Method Detail

      • hasDynamicContext

        boolean hasDynamicContext​(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject semanticObject,
                                  Type computeType,
                                  Environments envs)
        Checks that returning Type computeType by semanticObject has dynamic ContextDef
        semanticObject - model object from Bsl Model, can't be null. semanticObject instanceof OperatorStyleCreator or FunctionStyleCreator only.
        computeType - Type returning by semanticObject, can be null in case semanticObject doesn't return any Type. Returning type computes by TypesComputer
        envs - actual Environments corresponding to semanticObject in Bsl module, can't be null
        True if returning Type computeType by semanticObject has dynamic ContextDef, false otherwise
      • computeDynamicType

        Type computeDynamicType​(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject semanticObject,
                                Type computeType,
                                Environments envs)
        Computes Type corresponding to semanticObject. This type has expanding ContextDef vs computeType getting from TypesComputer
        semanticObject - model object from Bsl Model, can't be null. semanticObject instanceof OperatorStyleCreator or FunctionStyleCreator only.
        computeType - Type returning by semanticObject, can be null in case semanticObject doesn't return any Type. Returning type computes by TypesComputer
        envs - actual Environments corresponding to semanticObject in Bsl module, can't be null
        Type corresponding to semanticObject. This type has expanding ContextDef of computeType. Returning type must be identity equals given computeType if and only if computeType != null. In case when computeType == null returning type can be null or can have any type value.