Class BslCommentUiUtils

  • public final class BslCommentUiUtils
    extends Object
    Contains method for working with comment template in BSL
    This class is not intended to be sub-classed by clients.
    • Method Detail

      • createEmptyTemplate

        public static BslCommentUiUtils.TemplateDescription createEmptyTemplate​(org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument doc,
                                                                                int posInsert,
                                                                                Method method,
                                                                                boolean isFunc,
                                                                                String lineFormatter,
                                                                                String indent,
                                                                                ScriptVariant lang,
                                                                                IV8ProjectManager v8projectManager,
                                                                                boolean oldFormat)
        Create comment template for method in BSL.
        doc - needs to create LinkedPosition, can't be null
        posInsert - supposed position of the template inserting
        method - method in BSL, may be null
        isFunc - true, if need template for function, false - for procedure
        lineFormatter - actual format string, can't be null
        indent - actual text editor indent, can't be null
        lang - actual script variant, can't be null
        v8projectManager - the IV8ProjectManager, can't be null
        oldFormat - true if comment should be in old format, false in new format
        description of created template BslCommentUiUtils.TemplateDescription, never null
      • createTemplateTextForMethod

        public static String createTemplateTextForMethod​(Method method,
                                                         String descr,
                                                         String lineFormatter,
                                                         String indent,
                                                         TypesComputer typesComputer,
                                                         IV8ProjectManager v8projectManager,
                                                         BslMultiLineCommentDocumentationProvider commentProvider,
                                                         boolean oldFormat,
                                                         boolean isRussian)
        Creates template based on Method
        method - method in BSL, can't be null
        descr - comment main description? cannot be null
        lineFormatter - actual format string, can't be null
        indent - actual text editor indent, can't be null
        typesComputer - actual TypesComputer, cannot be null
        v8projectManager - IV8ProjectManager, can't be null
        oldFormat - true if comment should be in old format, false in new format
        isRussian - true if keywords in comment should be in Russian language, false in English
        string content of the created comment, never null
      • parseTemplateComment

        public static BslDocumentationProvider.DocumentContent parseTemplateComment​(List<String> template,
                                                                                    Method method,
                                                                                    BslDocumentationProvider documentation,
                                                                                    boolean oldFormat)
        Parses comment for method.
        template - comment content by lines, cannot be null
        method - corresponding Bsl method, cannot be null
        documentation - needs for getting English name of Types, cannot be null
        oldFormat - true if comment should be in old format, false in new format
        content of the comment, never null
      • computeCommentLocalPosition

        public static org.eclipse.xtext.util.Triple<Integer,​Integer,​String> computeCommentLocalPosition​(org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument document,
                                                                                                                    int globalOffSet,
                                                                                                                    org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.INode commentStartNode)
        Computes local offset on the comment line by global offset and start comment node
        document - actual document, cannot be null
        globalOffSet - global offset of the position comment part in document
        firstDocumentNode - first node of the comment content, cannot be null
        • line number - current line number from the beginin comment content
        • local offset - offset on the line in comment
        • line content - whole line comment content
        can return null in case globalOffSet or position of commentStartNode is a non-existing position for document