Interface IBslModuleExtensionEventsLookup

    • Method Detail

      • createInsertContentProposals

        String createInsertContentProposals​(Event event,
                                            ParamSet set,
                                            String eventName,
                                            boolean isMainItem,
                                            boolean isCommandHandler,
                                            Module actualBslModule,
                                            String procedureDerictive,
                                            String procedureAnnotation,
                                            String extensionPrefix,
                                            int offset,
                                            org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument document,
                                            boolean isRussian)
        Creates insert content assist proposals of event handler for extension module
        event - handle events, can't be null
        set - param set, can't be null
        eventName - event name, can't be null
        isMainItem - true if event from main item of form, false otherwise
        isCommandHandler - true if event from command of form, false otherwise
        actualBslModule - actual BSL module, cannot be null
        procedureDerictive - procedure directive, can't be null
        procedureAnnotation - annotation directive, can't be null
        extensionPrefix - prefix of extension project, can't be null
        offset - current cursor offset
        document - actual IDocument, can't be null
        isRussian - whether current script variant is russian
        insert content assist proposals, never null