Class BslEObjectHoverProvider.BslBrowserInput

    • Constructor Detail

      • BslBrowserInput

        public BslBrowserInput​(org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.hover.html.XtextBrowserInformationControlInput input,
                               String fullDoc,
                               Version version,
                               Map<String,​String> typeSetNames)
        Initialize by full documentation
        input - XtextBrowserInformationControlInput, can't be null
        fullDoc - full documentation content, can't be null
        version - actual version of documentation, can't be null
        typeSetNames - the map, where key - name of the type category name (TypeSet name equals to category type name), value - names of the object which has type corresponding to the category type name in key of the map through the comma. At the end of the value you can find special symbol '#' and name of the base type after it.
        Attention for category "AnyRef" - the value is names of the type corresponding to the it through the comma. Also there is no special symbol '#' at the end.
        Can't be null
    • Method Detail

      • getFullDoc

        public String getFullDoc()
      • getActualTypeSetInformation

        public Map<String,​String> getActualTypeSetInformation()
        Description copied from interface: BslInfoView.ITypeSetBrowserInput
        Gets actual TypeSet names and their including types.
        Specified by:
        getActualTypeSetInformation in interface BslInfoView.ITypeSetBrowserInput
        the map, where key - name of the type category name (TypeSet name equals to category type name), value - names of the object which has type corresponding to the category type name in key of the map through the comma. At the end of the value you can find special symbol '#' and name of the base type after it.
        Attention for category "AnyRef" - the value is names of the type corresponding to the it through the comma. Also there is no special symbol '#' at the end.
        Never null