Interface IHighlightable

    • Method Detail

      • highlight

        void highlight​(String text)
        Highlights associated with given text part.

        Example: EntityFigure has EntityFigurePart child, EntityFigurePart has label child with text Document.MyDocument. If given item is "Document.MyDocument", it can be associated with this label and label should be highlighted(for example, change color).
        text - - some text to associate with figures part. Can't be null.
      • reset

        void reset​(String text)
        Resets associated with given text part.

        Example: EntityFigure has EntityFigurePart child, EntityFigurePart has label child with text Document.MyDocument. If given item is "Document.MyDocument", it can be associated with this label and label should be reseted(for example, color changed to default).
        text - - some text to associate with figures part. Can't be null.
      • resetAll

        void resetAll()
        Resets all parts.