Package com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel
Interface Summary Interface Description Cell A representation of the model object 'Cell'.ChartDrawing A representation of the model object 'Chart Drawing'.Column A representation of the model object 'Column'.ColumnGroup A representation of the model object 'Column Group'.ColumnMerge A representation of the model object 'Column Merge'.Columns A representation of the model object 'Columns'.ColumnsArea A representation of the model object 'Columns Area'.CommentDrawing A representation of the model object 'Comment Drawing'.ControlDrawing A representation of the model object 'Control Drawing'.DendrogramDrawing A representation of the model object 'Dendrogram Drawing'.Drawing A representation of the model object 'Drawing'.DrawingsDataSource A representation of the model object 'Drawings Data Source'.EllipseDrawing A representation of the model object 'Ellipse Drawing'.EmbeddedTableItem A representation of the model object 'Embedded Table Item'.Format A representation of the model object 'Format'.GanttChartDrawing A representation of the model object 'Gantt Chart Drawing'.GeographicalSchemaDrawing A representation of the model object 'Geographical Schema Drawing'.Group A representation of the model object 'Group'.GroupDrawing A representation of the model object 'Group Drawing'.LanguageInfo A representation of the model object 'Language Info'.LanguageSettings A representation of the model object 'Language Settings'.LineDrawing A representation of the model object 'Line Drawing'.Merge A representation of the model object 'Merge'.MoxelFactory The Factory for the model.MoxelPackage The Package for the model.MoxelPackage.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each operation of each class, each enum, and each data typeNamedItem A representation of the model object 'Named Item'.NamedItemCells A representation of the model object 'Named Item Cells'.NamedItemDataSource A representation of the model object 'Named Item Data Source'.NamedItemDrawing A representation of the model object 'Named Item Drawing'.NamedItemEmbeddedTable A representation of the model object 'Named Item Embedded Table'.ObjectDrawing A representation of the model object 'Object Drawing'.PictureDrawing A representation of the model object 'Picture Drawing'.PivotChartDrawing A representation of the model object 'Pivot Chart Drawing'.PivotTable A representation of the model object 'Pivot Table'.PrintSettings A representation of the model object 'Print Settings'.Rect A representation of the model object 'Rect'.RectangleDrawing A representation of the model object 'Rectangle Drawing'.RectArea A representation of the model object 'Rect Area'.Row A representation of the model object 'Row'.RowGroup A representation of the model object 'Row Group'.RowMerge A representation of the model object 'Row Merge'.RowsArea A representation of the model object 'Rows Area'.SpreadsheetDocument A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Document'.SpreadsheetPoint A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Point'.SpreadsheetRect A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Rect'.TableArea A representation of the model object 'Table Area'.TextDrawing A representation of the model object 'Text Drawing'.UnsupportedObjectContent A representation of the model object 'Unsupported Object Content'.ViewSettings A representation of the model object 'View Settings'. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstarctMoxelTransfer The classMoxelTransfer
provides a basic platform-specific mechanism for converting both v8 spreadsheet document and v8 spreadsheet drawing represented as a javaSpreadsheetDocument
to a platform-specific representation of the data and vice versa.ExternalDependenciesModule Guice module with external services bindings.MoxelCorePlugin Plugin with injector for moxelMoxelDescriptor MoxelDescriptorTransfer The classMoxelDescriptorTransfer
provides a platform specific mechanism for converting moxel document descriptor represented as a javaMoxelDescriptor
to a platform specific representation of the data and vice versa.MoxelGlobalScopeDelegatingScopeProvider Global scope delegating scope provider.MoxelGlobalScopeProvider Global scope provider for Moxel.MoxelLazyLinker Lazy linker for moxelMoxelModule Guice module for MoxelMoxelResourceFactory Resource factory for moxelMoxelResourceMxl Wrapping resource class for MXL document typeMoxelResourceMxlx Wrapping resource class for MXLX document typeMoxelRuntimeExecutableExtensionFactory Specific implementation of the factory to inject Guice dependencies into executable extensions.MoxelTransferCells The classMoxelTransferSheet
provides a platform-specific mechanism for converting v8 spreadsheet document represented as a javaSpreadsheetDocument
to a platform specific representation of the data and vice versa.MoxelTransferDrawing The classMoxelTransferDrawing
provides a platform-specific mechanism for converting v8 spreadsheet drawing represented as a javaSpreadsheetDocument
to a platform specific representation of the data and vice versa.MoxelXmlParser Xml parser for mxlx formatMoxelXmlSerializer Xml serializer for mxlx formatPasteSpecialOptions Options for special paste. -
Enum Summary Enum Description DimensionAttributePlacementType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Dimension Attribute Placement Type', and utility methods for working with them.DimensionPlacementType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Dimension Placement Type', and utility methods for working with them.DrawingType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Drawing Type', and utility methods for working with them.DuplexPrintingType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Duplex Printing Type', and utility methods for working with them.ExtensionAlgorithm A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Extension Algorithm', and utility methods for working with them.GroupHeaderPlacement A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Group Header Placement', and utility methods for working with them.PageOrientation A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Page Orientation', and utility methods for working with them.PagePlacementAlternation A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Page Placement Alternation', and utility methods for working with them.PivotTableLinesShowType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Pivot Table Lines Show Type', and utility methods for working with them.PrintAccuracy A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Print Accuracy', and utility methods for working with them.StandardAppearance A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Standard Appearance', and utility methods for working with them.