AddChangeCommentHandler |
Handler for 'Add/Remove comment' command
AddEllipseDrawingHandler |
Handler for 'Add ellipse drawing' command
AddGroupHandler |
Handler for 'Add to group' command
AddLineDrawingHandler |
Handler for 'Add line drawing' command
AddPageBreakHandler |
Handler for 'Add page break' command
AddPictureDrawingHandler |
Handler for 'Add picture' command
AddRectangleDrawingHandler |
Handler for 'Add rectangle drawing command'
AddTextDrawingHandler |
Handler for 'Add text darwing' command
AlignCenterHandler |
Handler for 'Align center' command
AlignHandler |
Base handler for various 'Align ...' commands
AlignJustifyHandler |
Handler for 'Align justify' command
AlignLeftHandler |
Hanlder for 'Align left' command
AlignRightHandler |
Handler for 'Align right' command
ApplicableCellsAreaTester |
Property tester for checking if "Insert cells"
command is applicable to current selection
BackColorHandler |
Handler for 'Set background color' command
BaseHandler |
Base command handler
BlackAndWhiteModeHandler |
Handler for 'Black and white view' command
BoldHandler |
Handler for 'Bold' command
BorderColorHandler |
Handler for 'Set border color' command
CellLineHandler |
Common handler for setting cell line border properties
CellsSelectionTester |
Tester for determining cells selection type.
ChangeZOrderHandler |
Base handler for commands of changing drawing's Z-order
ClearAll |
Handler for 'Clear all' command
ClearBordersHandler |
Handler for 'Clear borders' command
ClearContentHandler |
Handler for 'Clear content' command
ClearFormatHandler |
Handler for 'Clear formats' command
ClearHandler |
Base handler for various 'Clear ...' commands
ClipboardContentPropertyTester |
Property tester for checking if clipboard content is appropriate to paste.
CollapseAllGroupsHandler |
Handler for 'Collapse all groups' command
CollapseGroupHandler |
Handler for 'Collapse group' command
CollapseGroupWithNestedHandler |
Handler for 'Collapse group with nested' command
ColorHandler |
Base handler for 'Set ...
ColumnsWidthsHandler |
Handler for 'Set column width' command
CommentNavigationHandler |
Basic handler for 'Previous comment' and 'Next comment' handlers.
CopyCommandHandler |
Handler for 'Copy' command
CutCommandHandler |
Handler for 'Cut' command
DeleteCommandHandler |
Base handler for 'Delete' commands
DeleteInsertCellsHandler |
Handler for 'Delete/Insert cells' commands
DeleteInsertColumnsHandler |
Base handler for delete/insert columns commands
DeleteInsertRowsHandler |
Bas handler for delete/insert rows commands
DrawingLineHandler |
Common handler for setting drawing line properties
DrawingSelectionTester |
Tester to determine whether drawing has been selected
EditHandler |
Handler for 'Editing' command
ExpandAllGroupsHandler |
Handler for 'Expand all groups' command
ExpandCollapseAllGroupsHandler |
Base handler for 'expand/collapse all groups' commands
ExpandCollapseGroupHandler |
Base handler for expand/collapse commands
ExpandGroupHandler |
Handler for 'Expand group' command
ExpandGroupWithNestedHandler |
Handler for 'Expand group with nested' command
FindNextHandler |
Handler for 'Find next' command
FindPreviousHandler |
Handler for 'Find previous' command
FindReplaceHandler |
Handler for 'Find and replace' command
FixTableHandler |
Handler for 'Fix table' command
FontHandler |
Handler for 'Set font' command
FontPropertyHandler |
Base handler for various font properties commands
GotoCellHandler |
Handler for 'Go to cell' command
GroupDrawingsHandler |
Handler for 'Group drawings' command
GroupLevelMenu |
Dynamically filled menu item, which represent currently available group levels.
GroupPropertiesHandler |
Handler for 'change group properties' command
GroupTester |
Tester for determining if rows/columns group is currently selected.
HeaderFooterHandler |
Handler for 'Show headers and footers' command
HideHandler |
Handler for 'Hide' command
InplaceEditorTester |
Tester to check if inplace edit mode is active for MoxelEditor
InsertCellsHandler |
Handler for 'Insert' command
InsertColumnsAfterHandler |
Handler for 'Insert columns after' command
InsertColumnsBeforeHandler |
Handler for 'Insert columns before' command
InsertRowsAfterHandler |
Handler for 'Insert rows after' command
InsertRowsBeforeHandler |
Handler for 'Insert rows before' command
ItalicHandler |
Handler for 'Italic' command
MergeCellsHandler |
Handler for 'Merge cells' command
MoveDownHandler |
Handler for 'Move down' command
MoveToBackHandler |
Handler for 'Move to back' command
MoveToFrontHandler |
Handler for 'Move to front' command
MoveUpHandler |
Handler for 'Move up' command
MoxelEditorModeTester |
Property tester for checking current editor mode.
NextCommentHandler |
'Next comment' command handler.
OpenLineSelectionDialogHandler |
Handler for 'open line selection dialog' command
PageSetupHandler |
Handler for 'Page setup' command
PageViewModeHandler |
Handler for 'Page view mode' command
PasteCommandHandler |
Handler for 'Paste' command
PasteInsertHandler |
Handler for 'Insert cells' command
PasteSpecialHandler |
Handler for 'Paste special...' command
PreviousCommentHandler |
'Previous comment' command handler.
PrintHandler |
Handler for 'Print' command
PrintHandlerBase |
Base handler 'Print ...' commands
PrintPreviewHandler |
Handler for 'Print preview' command
PrintWithCurrentSettingsHandler |
Handler for 'Print with current settings' command
ReadOnlyModeTester |
Property tester for checking if current editor is in read-only mode.
RemoveColumnsHandler |
Handler for 'Remove columns' command
RemoveCommentHandler |
Handler for 'Remove comment' command
RemoveGroupHandler |
Handler for 'Remove group' command
RemoveNameHandler |
Handler for 'Remove name' command
RemovePageBreakHandler |
Handler for 'Remove page break' command
RemovePringAreaHandler |
Handler for 'Remove print area' command
RemoveRepeatAreaHandler |
Handler for 'Remove repeat area' command
RemoveRowColumnsHandler |
Handler for 'Remove rows format' command.
RemoveRowsHandler |
Handler for 'Remove rows' command
RowsHeightsHandler |
Handler for 'Set row height' command
Scale100Handler |
Handler for 'Scale 100'
Scale125Handler |
Handler for 'Scale 125' command
Scale150Handler |
Handler for 'Scale 150' command
Scale200Handler |
Handler for 'Scale 200' command
Scale50Handler |
Handler for 'SAcale 50' command
Scale75Handler |
Handler for 'Scale 75' command
ScaleHandler |
Base handler for 'Scale' commands
SelectAllCommandHandler |
Handler for 'Select all' command
SelectDrawginsModeHandler |
SelectionsCountTester |
Property tester for detecting if single or multiple items (cells/rows/columns/drawings) are selected in spreadsheet document.
SetNameHandler |
Handler for 'Set name' command
SetPrintAreaHandler |
Handler for 'Set print area' command
SetRepeatAreaHandler |
Handler for 'Set repeat area' command
ShowCommentsHandler |
Handler for 'Show comments' command
ShowGridHandler |
Handler for 'Show grid' command
ShowGroupsHandler |
Handler for 'Show groups' command
ShowHandler |
Handler for 'Show' command
ShowHeadersHandler |
Handler for 'Show headers' command
ShowNamedCellsHandler |
Handler for 'Show named cells' command
ShowNamedRowsColumnsHandler |
Handler for 'Show named rows/columns' command
ShowNamesDialogHandler |
Handler for command of showing 'Names' dialog
SplitCellsHandler |
Handler for 'Split cell' command.
TextColorHandler |
Handler for 'Set text color' command
UnderlineHandler |
Handler for 'Underline' command
UngroupDrawingsHandler |
Handler for 'Ungroup drawings' handler