Interface IPlatformFileSystemSupportDelegate

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    PlatformFileSystemSupportDelegateLinux, PlatformFileSystemSupportDelegateWindows

    public interface IPlatformFileSystemSupportDelegate
    Describes a 1C:Enterprise runtime file system support delegate. 1C:Enterprise runtime file system support delegates are defined by extensions. An 1C:Enterprise runtime infobase references persistence delegate is defined in plugin.xml.

    Following is an example definition of an 1C:Enterprise runtime file system support delegate extension:

     <extension point="">

    Defined 1C:Enterprise runtime file system support delegate are automatically used by the 1C:Enterprise Runtime file system support. File system support delegate provides information about specific file system locations, used by the 1C:Enterprise platform:

    • Infobases root location.
    • Infobase references store location.
    • 1C:Enteprise profiles root location.
    • 1C:Enteprise 1C:Enterprise Starter config locations.

    This interface is intended to be implemented and registered by clients.

    Instances are not intended to be explicitly used by clients. IPlatformFileSystemSupportDelegate may be used by clients instead.

    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • lineSeparator

        String lineSeparator()
        Returns the system-dependent line separator used by the 1C:Enterprise in the current OS. Instead of default System.lineSeparator() 1C:Enterprise uses its own line separator that may differ from system.
        the system-dependent line separator used by the 1C:Enterprise in the current OS, never null
      • getDefaultInfobaseRootLocation

        Path getDefaultInfobaseRootLocation()
        Returns the default location for infobases. Contains file system location to create infobases in.

        Typically this is file system directory with infobases folders.

        the default location for infobase creation or null if none
      • getInfobaseReferenceStoreLocation

        Path getInfobaseReferenceStoreLocation()
        Returns location of infobase references store location. Infobase references store contains description of all registered infobases.

        Typically this is file with name ibases.v8i.

        location of infobase references store location or null if none
      • getProfileRootLocation

        Path getProfileRootLocation()
        Returns 1C:Eneterprise profiles root location. Contains file system location to get infobase templates from.

        Typically this is file system directory with infobase templates folders.

        1C:Eneterprise profiles root location, or null if none
      • getStarterConfigLocations

        Path[] getStarterConfigLocations()
        Returns an array of 1C:Enterprise Starter config locations. Some OS supports multiple 1C:Enterprise Starter configs.

        Typically this is files with name 1CEStart.cfg.

        an array of 1C:Enterprise Starter config locations, never null, can be empty