Interface IInfobaseSettingsChangeListener

    • Method Detail

      • infobaseMarkedAsRecent

        void infobaseMarkedAsRecent​(InfobaseReference infobase)
        Notification that the given infobase was marked as recent infobase.
        infobase - the infobase that was marked as recent infobase, cannot be null
      • infobaseRecentCountChanged

        void infobaseRecentCountChanged​(int count)
        Notification that count of recent shown infobases was changed.
        count - the new recent count value, must be between 0 and 10
      • infobaseShowRecentChanged

        void infobaseShowRecentChanged​(boolean showRecent)
        Notification that show recent boolean flag changed.
        wheter - need to show recent
      • infobaseSortByNameChanged

        void infobaseSortByNameChanged​(boolean sortByName)
        Notification that sort by infobase name boolean flag changed.
        wheter - need to sort by infobase name