Interface IDesignerSessionThickClientLauncher

    • Method Detail

      • runDesignerAgent

        Process runDesignerAgent​(ILaunchableRuntimeComponent thickClient,
                                 InfobaseReference infobase,
                                 RuntimeExecutionArguments arguments,
                                 Path baseLocation,
                                 Integer port)
                          throws RuntimeExecutionException
        Runs local 1C:Enterprise Designer agent process with this 1C:Enterprise runtime thick client component. Launched Designer agent can be used for infobase configuring. Returns the started process.
        thickClient - the 1C:Enterprise runtime launchable component with thick client, cannot be null
        infobase - the infobase reference instance to use, cannot be null
        arguments - execution arguments, can be null, then will not be used
        baseLocation - a base directory for the SFTP server and for the dump and restore configuration commands, cannot be null
        port - the port to start the 1C:Enterprise Designer agent on or null to start on default port
        RuntimeExecutionException - if 1C:Enterprise runtime process execution fails
      • openDesignerSession

        Path openDesignerSession​(ILaunchableRuntimeComponent thickClient,
                                 InfobaseReference infobase,
                                 RuntimeExecutionArguments arguments)
                          throws RuntimeExecutionException,
        Opens 1C:Enterprise Designer agent session infobase connection for the provided infobase. After session open all configuration thick client operations will be perfromed through this opened session thus these operations will be performed faster. Returns the base directory of the connected 1C:Enterprise Designer agent session.

        Clients must close session when no longer needed.

        thickClient - the 1C:Enterprise runtime launchable component with thick client, cannot be null
        infobase - the infobase reference instance, cannot be null
        arguments - execution arguments, can be null, then will not be used
        the base directory of the connected 1C:Enterprise Designer agent session, never null
        RuntimeExecutionException - if 1C:Enterprise runtime process execution fails
        RuntimeVersionRequiredException - if 1C:Enterprise runtime installation with provided version and build is required for the operation execution
      • openDesignerSession

        Path openDesignerSession​(ILaunchableRuntimeComponent thickClient,
                                 InfobaseReference infobase,
                                 IDesignerAgentConnectionListener listener,
                                 RuntimeExecutionArguments arguments)
                          throws RuntimeExecutionException,
        Opens 1C:Enterprise Designer agent session infobase connection for the provided infobase. After session open all configuration thick client operations will be perfromed through this opened session thus these operations will be performed faster. Returns the base directory of the connected 1C:Enterprise Designer agent session.

        Clients must close session when no longer needed.

        thickClient - the 1C:Enterprise runtime launchable component with thick client, cannot be null
        infobase - the infobase reference instance, cannot be null
        listener - of the designer agent session, cannot be null
        arguments - execution arguments, can be null, then will not be used
        the base directory of the connected 1C:Enterprise Designer agent session, never null
        RuntimeExecutionException - if 1C:Enterprise runtime process execution fails
        RuntimeVersionRequiredException - if 1C:Enterprise runtime installation with provided version and build is required for the operation execution
      • closeDesignerSession

        void closeDesignerSession​(ILaunchableRuntimeComponent thickClient,
                                  InfobaseReference infobase,
                                  RuntimeExecutionArguments arguments)
                           throws RuntimeExecutionException
        Closes 1C:Enterprise Designer agent session infobase connection for the provided infobase. After session close all configuration thick client operations will be perfromed through common 1C:Enterprise thick client batch mode.
        thickClient - the 1C:Enterprise runtime launchable component with thick client, cannot be null
        infobase - the infobase reference instance, cannot be null
        arguments - execution arguments, can be null, then will not be used
        RuntimeExecutionException - if 1C:Enterprise runtime process execution fails
      • getDebugServerUrl

        Optional<DebugServerInfo> getDebugServerUrl​(ILaunchableRuntimeComponent thickClient,
                                                    InfobaseReference infobase,
                                                    RuntimeExecutionArguments arguments)
                                             throws RuntimeExecutionException
        Returns the started 1C:Enterprise debug server for the provided thick client and infobase. May return nothing if the provided infobase is not a client-server or if infobase is not connected to debug agent.
        thickClient - the 1C:Enterprise runtime launchable component with thick client, cannot be null
        infobase - the infobase reference instance, cannot be null
        arguments - execution arguments, can be null, then will not be used
        the started 1C:Enterprise debug server info
        RuntimeExecutionException - if 1C:Enterprise runtime process execution fails