Interface IProfilingResult

  • public interface IProfilingResult
    Contains ILineProfilingResults, total durability of code execution time, UUID, date of profiling session, profiled projects and debug targets.
    • Method Detail

      • getPerformanceInfo

        List<PerformanceInfoMain> getPerformanceInfo()
        Gets list of EMF model objects used to create this result.
        List with EMF model objects. Never null and cannot be empty.
      • getResultsForModule

        List<ILineProfilingResult> getResultsForModule​(BslModuleReference reference)
        Gets list of profiling results for each line of specified module.
        reference - Module reference to get profiling results for. Cannot be null.
        List of ILineProfilingResults contained in specified module. Can be empty if there are no results for specified module.
      • getReferences

        Set<BslModuleReference> getReferences()
        Gets set of all module references with at least one profiling result.
        A set of module references. Never null, but can be empty (if there are no results yet).
      • getTotalDurability

        double getTotalDurability()
        Gets overall time of program execution.
        Overall time of program execution. Always greater of equal to 0.
      • getTotalDurabilities

        Map<DebugTargetType,​Double> getTotalDurabilities()
        Gets total durabilities grouped by debug targets.
        Total durabilities of code execution on every debug target. Never null. If code was not executed on debug target, that its mapped value is null.
      • getUuid

        UUID getUuid()
        Gets UUID of profiling session associated with this result.
        UUID of profiling session. Can be null if not set yet.
      • getName

        String getName()
        Gets result name.
        Result name. Can be equal to result.getUuid.toString() is not set.
      • getProjects

        Map<BSLModuleIdInternal,​org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject> getProjects()
        Gets profiled projects associated with this result.
        Profiled projects. Never null, but can be empty if not set yet.
      • getDateOfSession

        LocalDateTime getDateOfSession()
        Gets date of profiling session.
        Date of profiling session. Can be null if not set yet.
      • getConnectionString

        String getConnectionString()
        Gets connection string for infobase that was profiled.
        Connection string. Can be null.
      • getDebugTargets

        Set<DebugTargetType> getDebugTargets()
        Gets set with all debug targets that have at least one result associated with them.
        Set with debug targets. Never null, but can be empty.