Interface ICompareResult

  • public interface ICompareResult
    Contains statistics for each module and method called during at least one of profiling sessions that compared profiling results correspond to.
    • Method Detail

      • isFullStatisticCorrect

        boolean isFullStatisticCorrect()
        Checks if statistics for full time are computed correctly and can be used.
        Call this method before calling any of these methods: Otherwise no guarantees of correct results for statistics using full durabilities are provided.
        true if full durabilities and their diffs are computed correctly, false otherwise.
      • getUuid

        UUID getUuid​(CompareSide side)
        Gets the UUID of profiling result.
        side - BASE if should return the UUID of base profiling result (the result used as base for comparing), COMPARED otherwise.
        The UUID of profiling result. Never null.
      • getModulesCompareResults

        List<IModuleCompareResult> getModulesCompareResults()
        Gets all modules compare results.
        List with all module compare results. Cannot be null, but can be empty.
      • getMethodsCompareResults

        List<IMethodCompareResult> getMethodsCompareResults()
        Gets all method compare results.
        List with all module compare results. Cannot be null, but can be empty.
      • getModuleCompareResult

        IModuleCompareResult getModuleCompareResult​(BslModuleReference moduleRef)
        Gets module compare result.
        moduleRef - Module reference for module to lookup compare result for. Cannot be null.
        Compare result for specified module. Can be null if no compare results for specified module is found.
      • getPureDurabilityDiff

        double getPureDurabilityDiff()
        Gets the diff of pure durability (in percents, relative to the pure durability of base result). For example, if the pure durabilities of base and compared results are 100ms and 125ms, then the diff will be (125 - 100) / 100 = 25%.
        The diff of pure durabilities in percents relative to the pure durability of base result.
      • getPureDurabilityDiffs

        Map<DebugTargetType,​Double> getPureDurabilityDiffs()
        Gets diffs of pure durability grouped by debug targets. By default diff value for every debug target is initialized with 0.0. For example, if the pure durabilities of base and compared results on server are 100ms and 125ms, and on managed client are 50ms and 75ms, then this method will return {SERVER=25.0, MANAGED_CLIENT=50.0, SERVER_EMULATION=0.0, CLIENT=0.0, ... }.
        Diffs of pure durabilities grouped by debug targets. Never null or empty.
      • getDurabilityDiff

        double getDurabilityDiff()
        Gets the diff of full durability (in percents, relative to the full durability of base result). For example, if the full durabilities of base and compared results are 100ms and 125ms, then the diff will be (125 - 100) / 100 = 25%.
        The diff of full durabilities in percents relative to the full durability of base result.
      • getDurabilityDiffs

        Map<DebugTargetType,​Double> getDurabilityDiffs()
        Gets diffs of durability grouped by debug targets. By default diff value for every debug target is initialized with 0.0. For example, if the durabilities of base and compared results on server are 100ms and 125ms, and on managed client are 50ms and 75ms, then this method will return {SERVER=25.0, MANAGED_CLIENT=50.0, SERVER_EMULATION=0.0, CLIENT=0.0, ... } or empty.
        Diffs of durabilities grouped by debug targets. Never null.
      • getTotalDurability

        double getTotalDurability​(CompareSide side)
        Gets total durability for specified side.
        side - BASE if should return the total durability of base result, COMPARED otherwise.
        Total durability for specified side.