Class RightsPartialModelController

    • Method Detail

      • editMergeSettings

        public boolean editMergeSettings​(IPartialModel partialModel,
                                         IPartialModelNode node,
                                         IComparisonSession comparisonSession,
                                         org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell shell,
                                         boolean readOnly,
                                         String mainComparisonSideName,
                                         String otherComparisonSideName,
                                         DtComparisonView parentComparisonView,
                                         ISelectionProviderDelegate selectionProviderDelegate,
                                         org.eclipse.jface.resource.ResourceManager resourceManager)
        Description copied from interface: IPartialModelControllerDelegate
        If the node is supported, handles the editing of the specified node's merge settings.
        partialModel - the partial model
        node - the node to edit merge settings of
        comparisonSession - the comparison session
        shell - the parent shell, can not be null
        readOnly - true if it is possible to set merge settings and false if it is only possible to view the difference in node
        colorHasDiffs - the color for 'node has diffs' case, cannot be null.
        colorOnlyMain - the color for 'node has only main object' case, cannot be null.
        colorOnlyOther - the color for 'node has only other object' case, cannot be null.
        mainComparisonSideName - the main comparison side name, cannot be null.
        otherComparisonSideName - the other comparison side name, cannot be null.
        parentComparisonView - the parent comparison view this dialog was called from, cannot be null
        selectionProviderDelegate - the selection provider delegate, cannot be null.
        resourceManager - the resource manager, cannot be null
        true if the node's merge settings have been successfully edited
      • fillNodeProperties

        public Collection<IPartialModelNode> fillNodeProperties​(IPartialModel partialModel,
                                                                IDirectPartialModelNode directNode,
                                                                IComparisonSession session,
                                                                ILinkRepresentationSupport linkRepresentationSupport,
                                                                ComparisonContext comparisonContext)
        Description copied from interface: IPartialModelControllerDelegate
        Fills properties of the specified direct partial model node according to the comparison model node.
        partialModel - the partial model hosting the direct node
        directNode - the direct node to fill properties for
        session - the comparison session
        comparisonContext - the comparison context, not null
        null if this controller does not support the input partial model node, or a collection of output nodes whose properties must be filled by the caller (may be empty)
      • positionChildNode

        public IPartialModelNode positionChildNode​(IPartialModel partialModel,
                                                   IPartialModelNode parentNode,
                                                   ComparisonNode modelNode,
                                                   IComparisonSession comparisonSession)
        Description copied from interface: IPartialModelControllerDelegate
        If supported by this controller, positions the specified comparison model node in a subtree of the specified partial model node. This may involve creation of additional (intermediate) subparents for hosting the positioned node.
        partialModel - the partial model
        parentNode - the parent direct partial model node
        modelNode - the comparison model node to be positioned
        comparisonSession - the comparison session
        the positioned partial model node or null if this controller does not support the specified model node
      • refreshNode

        public boolean refreshNode​(IPartialModel partialModel,
                                   IPartialModelNode node,
                                   IComparisonSession comparisonSession)
        Description copied from interface: IPartialModelControllerDelegate
        Refreshes the partial model node properties according to the supported logic.
        partialModel - the partial model
        node - the partial model node to refresh
        comparisonSession - the comparison session
        true if the controller supports this node
      • setMergeRule

        public boolean setMergeRule​(IPartialModel partialModel,
                                    IComparisonSession comparisonSession,
                                    IMergeRulePartialModelNode originalNode,
                                    MergeRule rule,
                                    ComparisonContext comparisonContext)
        Description copied from interface: IPartialModelControllerDelegate
        Handles the merge rule change.
        partialModel - the partial model
        comparisonSession - the comparison session
        originalNode - the node in which the rule has been set
        rule - the rule value that has been set
        comparisonContext - the comparison context, not null
        true if this controller supported the operation for the provided arguments
      • supportsComparisonUsingExternalTool

        public boolean supportsComparisonUsingExternalTool​(IPartialModelNode node)
        Description copied from interface: IPartialModelControllerDelegate
        Tells whether the delegate supports comparison using external tool of the specified node.
        node - the partial mode node, cannot be null
        true if the delegate supports comparison using external tool, false otherwise
      • compareUsingExternalTool

        public boolean compareUsingExternalTool​(IPartialModelNode node,
                                                org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell shell,
                                                String mainComparisonSideName,
                                                String otherComparisonSideName)
        Description copied from interface: IPartialModelControllerDelegate
        Compares the specified node using external tool if the node is supported.
        node - the partial node to compare using external tool, cannot be null
        shell - the parent shell, cannot be null
        mainComparisonSideName - the main comparison side name, cannot be null
        otherComparisonSideName - the other comparison side name, cannot be null
        true if the node is supported to be compared using external tool, false otherwise
      • supportsMergingUsingExternalTool

        public boolean supportsMergingUsingExternalTool​(IPartialModelNode node)
        Description copied from interface: IPartialModelControllerDelegate
        Tells whether the delegate supports merging using external tool of the specified node.
        node - the partial mode node, cannot be null
        true if the delegate supports merging using external tool, false otherwise
      • mergeUsingExternalTool

        public boolean mergeUsingExternalTool​(IPartialModel partialModel,
                                              IPartialModelNode node,
                                              org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell shell,
                                              String mainComparisonSideName,
                                              String otherComparisonSideName)
        Description copied from interface: IPartialModelControllerDelegate
        Merges the specified node using external tool if the node is supported.
        partialModel - the partial model, cannot be null
        node - the partial node to merge using external tool, cannot be null
        shell - the parent shell, cannot be null
        mainComparisonSideName - the main comparison side name, cannot be null
        otherComparisonSideName - the other comparison side name, cannot be null
        true if the node is supported to be merged using external tool, false otherwise