Class FullTextSearchRefactoringParticipant

    • Method Detail

      • createRefactoringChange

        public Collection<org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change> createRefactoringChange​(org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change normalRefactoringChange,
                                                                                           String newName,
                                                                                           Set<SearchFor> searchFors,
                                                                                           Set<SearchIn> searchIns,
                                                                                           Set<SearchScope> searchScopes,
                                                                                           Set<String> projectNames,
                                                                                           org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor pm)
        Creates refactoring change by results of full text search for renaming element
        normalRefactoringChange - Changes from usual refactoring, cannot be null
        newName - new name of the renaming element, cannot be null
        searchFors - what to search for, cannot be null. If collection is empty then all context types will be included to search
        searchIns - where to search, cannot be null. If collection is empty then all context places will be included to search
        searchScopes - the search scope, cannot be null. If collection is empty then all search scopes will be included to search
        projectNames - the names of the projects where to search, cannot be null. If collection is empty then all project will be included to search
        pm - the progress monitor, cannot be null
        created refactoring changes by results of full text search for renaming element, never null if there is no changes
      • createRefactoringChange

        public Collection<org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change> createRefactoringChange​(org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change normalRefactoringChange,
                                                                                           String newName,
                                                                                           org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor pm)
        Creates refactoring change by results of full text search for renaming element
        normalRefactoringChange - Changes from usual refactoring, cannot be null
        newName - new name of the renaming element, cannot be null
        pm - the progress monitor, cannot be null
        created refactoring changes by results of full text search for renaming element, never null if there is no changes
      • createChangeBySearchResult

        protected Collection<org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change> createChangeBySearchResult​(Collection<IDtMatchProvider> correctResults,
                                                                                                 org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change normalRefactoringChange,
                                                                                                 String newName)
        Create concrete Changes for correct full text search results
        correctResults - correct full text search results, cannot be null
        normalRefactoringChange - refactoring change, if we found correct full text search match in file with normal refactoring changes, we should add full text search changes to exiting change, cannot be null
        newName - new name of the renaming element, cannot be null
        concrete Changes for correct full text search results, never null