Class XdtoAdditionalIndexInformationHelper

  • public class XdtoAdditionalIndexInformationHelper
    extends Object
    Special service for working with additional index data for XDTO packages indexing elements.
    Clients can add their special information to the index or change current index information by overriding methods of this class.
    This class provides special constants for getting index information. Example:
       public void foo(IEObjectDescription description)
          //gets information by contants: FOO_CONTANT
          String infromation = description.getUserData(FOO_CONTANT);
          //processing information
    • Field Detail

      • qualifiedNameProvider

        protected org.eclipse.xtext.naming.IQualifiedNameProvider qualifiedNameProvider
      • qualifiedNameConverter

        protected org.eclipse.xtext.naming.IQualifiedNameConverter qualifiedNameConverter
    • Constructor Detail

      • XdtoAdditionalIndexInformationHelper

        public XdtoAdditionalIndexInformationHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • createAdditionalPackageIndexInformation

        public Map<String,​String> createAdditionalPackageIndexInformation​(Package xdtoPackage)
        Create additional index information for Package
        xdtoPackage - actual Package, can't be null
        additional index information, never null
      • getPackageDependencies

        public Collection<String> getPackageDependencies​(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription item)
        Gets Package dependencies uri by its index element
        item - index element, can't be null
        collections of the dependencies' uri. Can be empty if Package doesn't have dependencies or item isn't Package index element. Can't be null
      • getBaseType

        public QName getBaseType​(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription item)
        Gets QName of base type for index element
        item - index element, can't be null
        QName of base type for index element or null if element doesn't have base type
      • fillBaseTypeAdditionalIndexInformation

        public void fillBaseTypeAdditionalIndexInformation​(Type type,
                                                           Map<String,​String> userData)
        Fill additional information for Type index element. Additional information contains data about base type. Key of information is XdtoIndexUtil.BASE_TYPE. Format: <name of base type>,<ns uri of the type>
        type - indexing Type, can't be null
        userData - creating additional indexing data, can't be null
      • createAdditionalObjectPackageIndexInformation

        public Map<String,​String> createAdditionalObjectPackageIndexInformation​(ObjectType valueType)
        Fill additional information for ObjectType index element. Additional information contains data about base type (see {@link #fillBaseTypeAdditionalIndexInformation(Type, Map)).
        type - indexing ObjectType, can't be null
        creating additional indexing data, never null
      • createAdditionalValuePackageIndexInformation

        public Map<String,​String> createAdditionalValuePackageIndexInformation​(ValueType valueType)
        Fill additional information for ValueType index element. Additional information contains data about base type (see {@link #fillBaseTypeAdditionalIndexInformation(Type, Map)), information about item list type and information about merger types.
        Format for list item type:
        Key of information is {@link XdtoIndexUtil#ITEM_TYPE}. Format: <name of item type>,<ns uri of item type>
        Format for merger types:
        Key of information is XdtoIndexUtil.MEMBER_TYPES. Format: <name of merger type>,<ns uri of merger type>XdtoIndexUtil.IMPORT_DELIMITER,
        type - indexing ValueType, can't be null
        creating additional indexing data, never null
      • hasItemType

        public boolean hasItemType​(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription item)
        Checks that index element has information about item type
        item - index element, can't be null
        true if index element has information about item type, false otherwise
      • getItemType

        public QName getItemType​(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription item)
        Gets item type from index element
        item - index element, can't be null
        QName of item type or null if index element doesn't have it
      • hasMemeberTypes

        public boolean hasMemeberTypes​(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription item)
        Checks that index element has information about merger types
        item - index element, can't be null
        true if index element has information about merger types, false otherwise
      • getMemberTypes

        public List<QName> getMemberTypes​(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription item)
        Gets merger types from index element
        item - index element, can't be null
        list of QName of merger types
      • getVariety

        public Variety getVariety​(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription valueType)
        Gets Variety of index element
        item - index element, can't be null
        actual Variety for index element. If element doesn't have this information null will be returned
      • createQNameFormString

        public QName createQNameFormString​(String value)
        Creates QName from string presentation
        value - string presentation of QName, can't be null
        creating QName never null
      • createAdditionalPropertyPackageIndexInformation

        public Map<String,​String> createAdditionalPropertyPackageIndexInformation​(Property property)
        Fill additional information for Property index element. Additional information contains data about Form. Key of information is XdtoIndexUtil.PROPERTY_FORMAT. Format: <name of format>
        type - indexing Property, can't be null
        userData - creating additional indexing data, can't be null
      • getPropertyForm

        public Form getPropertyForm​(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription valueType)
        Gets Form of index element
        item - index element, can't be null
        actual Form for index element. If element doesn't have this information null will be returned