Interface ICheck

    • Method Detail

      • check

        void check​(Object object,
                   ICheckResultAcceptor resultRegistrar,
                   ICheckParameters parameters,
                   org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
        All checked objects must be registered in resultAcceptor. Each checked object should be in the result, regardless of whether there are any issues in it. Adding objects that do not have errors in result is necessary to clear issues that were not previously defined in the object. Validation may be cancelled by user. Complex implemantation should take this into account and checks IProgressMonitor.isCanceled() between long time operations.
        object - the checking object, not null
        resultRegistrar - the result acceptor, not null
        parameters - check execution parameters from settings, not null
        progressMonitor - progress monitor, not null
      • configureContextCollector

        void configureContextCollector​(ICheckDefinition definition)
        The first phase of the check performing is the check context prepartion. The check should react to the system events and mark situations when the check launch is required. The CheckDefinition defines the logic of check context collection, see it for more details
      • getCheckId

        String getCheckId()
        Gets the unique identifier of the check. The identifier should be unique. The system performs automated identifier conflict resolution in case of non-unique identifiers, with addition of conflict-resolving symbols to the identifier
        The identifier of the check. May not be null