Interface IPreferenceManager

    • Method Detail

      • writeBoolean

        void writeBoolean​(String key,
                          Boolean value)
        Writes boolean value to the preferences with given key
        key - The key of the preference, cannot be null
        value - The value of the preference, cannot be null
      • writeString

        void writeString​(String key,
                         String value)
        Writes string value to the preferences with given key
        key - The key of the preference, cannot be null
        value - The value of the preference, cannot be null
      • writeInteger

        void writeInteger​(String preferenceKey,
                          Integer value)
        Writes integer value to the preferences with given key
        key - The key of the preference, cannot be null
        value - The value of the preference, cannot be null
      • readBoolean

        Boolean readBoolean​(String key)
        Reads boolean preference with given key
        key - The key of the preference, cannot be null
        The boolean value associated to the given key, can be null if there is no preference with given key
      • readString

        String readString​(String key)
        Reads string preference with given key
        key - The key of the preference, cannot be null
        The string value associated to the given key, can be null if there is no preference with given key
      • readInteger

        Integer readInteger​(String key)
        Reads integer preference with given key
        key - The key of the preference, cannot be null
        The integer value associated to the given key, can be null if there is no preference with given key
      • readDefaultBoolean

        Boolean readDefaultBoolean​(String key)
        Reads boolean preference with given key
        key - The key of the preference, cannot be null
        The default boolean value associated to the given key, can be null if there is no preference with given key
      • readDefaultString

        String readDefaultString​(String key)
        Reads default string preference with given key
        key - The key of the preference, cannot be null
        The default string value associated to the given key, can be null if there is no preference with given key
      • readDefaultInteger

        Integer readDefaultInteger​(String key)
        Reads default integer preference with given key
        key - The key of the preference, cannot be null
        The default integer value associated to the given key, can be null if there is no preference with given key
      • save

        void save()
        Saves all written preferences
      • readBoolean

        Boolean readBoolean​(String key,
                            org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IScopeContext scope)
        Reads boolean preference with given key
        key - The key of the preference, cannot be null
        context - The context to get preference from, can be null
        The boolean value associated to the given key, can be null if there is no preference with given key
      • readString

        String readString​(String key,
                          org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IScopeContext scope)
        Reads string preference with given key
        key - The key of the preference, cannot be null
        context - The context to get preference from, can be null
        The string value associated to the given key, can be null if there is no preference with given key
      • readInteger

        Integer readInteger​(String key,
                            org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IScopeContext scope)
        Reads integer preference with given key
        key - The key of the preference, cannot be null
        context - The context to get preference from, can be null
        The integer value associated to the given key, can be null if there is no preference with given key
      • writeBoolean

        void writeBoolean​(String key,
                          Boolean value,
                          org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IScopeContext scope)
        Writes boolean value to the preferences with given key
        key - The key of the preference, cannot be null
        context - The context to set preference to, can be null
        value - The value of the preference, cannot be null
      • writeString

        void writeString​(String key,
                         String value,
                         org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IScopeContext scope)
        Writes string value to the preferences with given key
        key - The key of the preference, cannot be null
        context - The context to set preference to, can be null
        value - The value of the preference, cannot be null
      • writeInteger

        void writeInteger​(String preferenceKey,
                          Integer value,
                          org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IScopeContext scope)
        Writes integer value to the preferences with given key
        key - The key of the preference, cannot be null
        context - The context to set preference to, can be null
        value - The value of the preference, cannot be null