Interface ICheckRepository

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ICheckRepository
    extends com.e1c.g5.v8.dt.internal.check.ICheckMetadataManager
    Unified check repository. Provides access to all registered checks and their metadata (settings, parameters, etc) It's a public service and may be used as a standard EDT lifecycle-aware service
    • Method Detail

      • addChangeListener

        void addChangeListener​(ICheckSettingsChangeListener listener)
        Adds check settings change listener
        listener - The listener to add, not null
      • applyChanges

        void applyChanges​(Collection<ICheckSettings> checkSettings,
                          org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Apply changes to the currently active settings profile
        checkSettings - The set of changed settings to apply. May not be null
        project - The target project for the profile settings update. May not be null
      • deleteSettingsProfile

        void deleteSettingsProfile​(String profileName,
                                   org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Deletes the settings profile with the given name (if exists). In case of active profile removal - select the firts available profile as active one. The last profile may be removed as well. In this case the default one will be recreated
        profileName - The name of the profile to remove. May not be null
        project - The target projet for the profile removal. May not be null
      • duplicateSettingsProfile

        void duplicateSettingsProfile​(String profileName,
                                      String newProfileName,
                                      org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Duplicates the settings profile. Creates a new profile with same settings as provided with a given name
        profileName - The source profile name to duplicate. May not be null
        newProfileName - The name for the a new profile. May not be null
        project - The target projet for the profile duplcication. May not be null
      • exportSettingsProfile

        void exportSettingsProfile​(String profileName,
                                   Path destinationPath,
                                   org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Export check settings profile as a file to an external destination
        profileName - The name of the profile to export. May not be null
        destinationPath - The destination path to export file to. May not be null
        project - The project which profile should be exported. May not be null
      • getActiveSettingsProfile

        String getActiveSettingsProfile​(org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Gets an active settings profile name for the given project
        project - The project to get the settings profile name for. May not be null
        The name of the profile. Never null
      • getApplicableDelegates

        Collection<CheckUid> getApplicableDelegates​(Class<?> targetObjectClass,
                                                    Object sourceObject,
                                                    IDtProject dtProject)
        Gets applicable delegate checks for the given context, if any
        targetObjectClass - The target object Class to get delegates for. May not be null
        sourceObject - Source object which check was delegated in a form of some derived delegated model. Used to filter out all inapproprite data sources. May not be null
        dtProject - The target project. May not be null
        The set of applicables checks. May not be null
      • getAvailableSettingsProfiles

        Collection<String> getAvailableSettingsProfiles​(org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Gets the set of available check settings profiles for the project
        project - The project to get settings profiles for. May not be null
        The collection of available profile names. May not be null
      • getCheck

        ICheck getCheck​(CheckUid checkId,
                        IDtProject dtProject)
        Gets the check using its UID and corresponding project settings
        checkId - The check UID to get the check by. May not be null
        dtProject - The target project. May not be null
        The target check if exists. May not be null
      • getChecks

        Collection<CheckUid> getChecks​(Predicate<ICheckDescription> filter)
        Gets UIDs of registered checks being filtered by the provided predicate
        filter - The filter based on ICheckDescription data. May not be null. Checks that match the predicate are being returned
        The collection of matching check uids. May not be null. May be empty
      • getCheck

        Map<CheckUid,​ICheck> getCheck​(String checkId,
                                            IDtProject project)
        Gets the set of checks using their public identifier. In case if there is no conflicts in check ids the only check will be returned
        checkId - The identifier of the check. May not be null
        The checks mapped to their internal unique identifier, if exists. May not be null
        IllegalStateException - In case if the required check isn't registered in the repository
      • getCheckParameters

        ICheckParameters getCheckParameters​(CheckUid checkId,
                                            org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Returns the immutable view of check execution parameters by names.
        project - The target project. May not be null
        checkId - check id, not null
        check execution parameters by names, not null.
      • getCheckProcessPreferences

        ICheckProcessPreferences getCheckProcessPreferences()
        Gets the check process preferences
        The set of user-defined preferences that affects the check process. May not be null
      • getCheckUidForCheckId

        Set<CheckUid> getCheckUidForCheckId​(String checkId,
                                            org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Gets all applicable check unique identifiers by the check id and the given project
        checkId - The identifier of the check. May not be null
        project - The target project. May not be null
        The set of check UIDs. May not be null
      • getCustomizedSettingsFromProfile

        Map<CheckUid,​ICheckSettings> getCustomizedSettingsFromProfile​(String profileName,
                                                                            org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Gets the user-changed settings of the given profile. All default settings are ignored
        profileName - The target profile name. May not be null
        project - The target project. May not be null
        The user-changed settings mapped to respective check identifiers. May not be null
      • getDefaultSettings

        ICheckSettings getDefaultSettings​(CheckUid checkUid,
                                          org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Get default settings for the given check (as defined in the check itself)
        checkUid - The identifier of the target check. May not be null
        project - The target project. May not be null
        The default settings of the check. May be null in case if the check is absent
      • getDefaultSettingsForProfile

        Map<CheckUid,​ICheckSettings> getDefaultSettingsForProfile​(String value,
                                                                        org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Get alll default settings for all registereds check (as defined in the check itself)
        project - The target project. May not be null
        The default settings of checks mapped to their check identifiers. May not be null
      • getRootElements

        Collection<INamedElement> getRootElements​(org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Returns top level elements.
        top level elements, not null
      • getSettings

        ICheckSettings getSettings​(CheckUid checkUid,
                                   org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Returns check settings using for given project, taking the current active provide user-changed settings into the account
        checkUid - check id, not null
        project - project, null if none
        check settings, not null
        NoSuchElementException - if none.
      • getShortUid

        String getShortUid​(CheckUid checkUid,
                           IDtProject dtProject)
        Gets the short UID for the given CheckUid and the project
        checkUid - The target check UID. May not be null
        dtProject - The target project. May not be null
        The short UID of the check. May not be null
        IllegalStateException - In case if the given CheckUID isn't registered
      • getShortUid

        String getShortUid​(CheckUid checkUid,
                           org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Gets the short UID for the given CheckUid and the project
        checkUid - The target check UID. May not be null
        project - The target project. May not be null
        The short UID of the check. May not be null
        IllegalStateException - In case if the given CheckUID isn't registered
      • getUidForShortUid

        CheckUid getUidForShortUid​(String shortUid,
                                   org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Converts short check UID into the full check UID for the given project based on the previously registered checks
        shortUid - The short UID to convert. May not be null
        project - The target project. May not be null
        The full UID of the check. May be null in case if the short UID is a stale one or non-uid
      • getUidForShortUid

        CheckUid getUidForShortUid​(String shortUid,
                                   IDtProject project)
        Converts short check UID into the full check UID for the given project based on the previously registered checks
        shortUid - The short UID to convert. May not be null
        project - The target DT project. May not be null
        The full UID of the check. May be null in case if the short UID is a stale one or non-uid
      • importSettingsProfile

        void importSettingsProfile​(Path path,
                                   org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Imports an external settings profile into the project's set of profiles
        path - The path to the profile. May not be null
        project - The target project. May not be null
      • removeChangeListener

        void removeChangeListener​(ICheckSettingsChangeListener listener)
        Removes check settings change listener.
        listener - the listener, not null
      • renameSettingsProfile

        void renameSettingsProfile​(String currentProfileName,
                                   String newProfileName,
                                   org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Renames the settings profile using the provided name.
        currentProfileName - Current name of the profile. May not be null
        newName - The new name of the profile. May not be null
        project - The target project. May not be null
      • setActiveSettingsProfile

        void setActiveSettingsProfile​(String profileName,
                                      Collection<ICheckSettings> checkSettings,
                                      org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Sets an active profile for the given project. The name should be received via the getAvailableSettingsProfiles(IProject). Does nothing in case of supplying of arbitrary name
        profileName - The name of the profile. May not be null
        project - The target project. May not be null
      • setCheckProvider

        void setCheckProvider​(ICheckProvider checkProvider)
        Sets the external check provider Used by the testing ifrastructure, shouln't be used by clients
        checkProvider - The check provider to set. May not be null
      • toUid

        Set<CheckUid> toUid​(String checkId,
                            org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Translates check-provided identifier into the internal unique identifier of check. Could return more then one identifier in case of the check id conflict.
        checkId - The check identifier. May not be null
        project - The project to get the check UID for. May not be null
        The set of UIDs, may not be null
      • validateParameterValue

        String validateParameterValue​(String value,
                                      String parameterName,
                                      ICheckSettings checkSettings)
        Validates the given value for the appliance to the chosen parameter.
        value - The value to validate. May be null
        parameterName - The parameter name. May not be null
        checkSettings - The target check settings. May not be null
        The validation message if any. null if the parameter value is a valid one
      • validateProfileName

        boolean validateProfileName​(String newProfileName)
        Validates that the profile name matches the standard
        newProfileName - The name to validate. May not be null
        True if the profile name is valid