Class BasicObjectContext

    • Constructor Detail

      • BasicObjectContext

        public BasicObjectContext​(Object objectId,
                                  org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass,
                                  String segmentId,
                                  boolean removal,
                                  Object computationCause,
                                  long baseVersion)
        Creates a new instance of the context
        objectId - The identifier of the object (BM or language) this context corresponds to. May not be null
        eClass - The EClass of the of the top BM object this context corresponds to. May not be null
        segmentId - The identifier of DD segment this context belongs to. May not be null
        removal - checks if the current context represents removed object.
        computationCause - The identifier of the context collection session. May be null
        baseVersion - The base version of the context for the operations of the context merge and conflict detection