Interface IAvailableStringLiteralProviderExtension

    • Method Detail

      • isAppropriate

        boolean isAppropriate​(org.eclipse.xtext.util.Triple<org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject,​List<Expression>,​Integer> context)
        Checks context for availability of proposals
        context - contains
        • parentObject object contains string literal in its parameters
        • allExpr all parameters of parentObject
        • paramNumber number of string literal in parameter method's list
        true if proposals available for this context
      • isCorrectValue

        boolean isCorrectValue​(String content,
                               org.eclipse.xtext.util.Triple<org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject,​List<Expression>,​Integer> context,
                               org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.IScopeProvider scopeProvider,
                               IIndexSlicePredicateService slicePredicateService)
        Checks that content of the StringLiteral correct in this context. Checks only StringLiteral in one line.
        content - content of the StringLiteral without quote, can't be null
        context - contains
        • parentObject object contains string literal in its parameters
        • allExpr all parameters of parentObject
        • paramNumber number of string literal in parameter method's list
        , can't be null
        scopeProvider - actual IScopeProvider, can't be null
        slicePredicateService - actual IIndexSlicePredicateService, can't be null
        true if content of the StringLiteral correct in this context, false otherwise