BarChartPointsOrder |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Bar Chart Points Order',
and utility methods for working with them.
BoundaryDetectionMethod |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Boundary Detection Method',
and utility methods for working with them.
BubbleChartNegativeValuesShowMode |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Bubble Chart Negative Values Show Mode',
and utility methods for working with them.
BubbleSizeValueSource |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Bubble Size Value Source',
and utility methods for working with them.
BubbleSizing |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Bubble Sizing',
and utility methods for working with them.
Chart3Dcrd |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Chart3 Dcrd',
and utility methods for working with them.
ChartAnimation |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Animation',
and utility methods for working with them.
ChartLabelLocation |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Label Location',
and utility methods for working with them.
ChartLabelType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Label Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
ChartReferenceBandBorderPosition |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Reference Band Border Position',
and utility methods for working with them.
ChartReferenceLinePosition |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Reference Line Position',
and utility methods for working with them.
ChartSelectionMode |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Selection Mode',
and utility methods for working with them.
ChartSeriesGraphicalRepresentationType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Series Graphical Representation Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
ChartSeriesStackType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Series Stack Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
ChartType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
ChartValueEditState |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Value Edit State',
and utility methods for working with them.
ChartValuesEditMode |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Values Edit Mode',
and utility methods for working with them.
ChartValuesToolTipFillType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Values Tool Tip Fill Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
ChartValuesToolTipShowMode |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Values Tool Tip Show Mode',
and utility methods for working with them.
CircleExpandMode |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Circle Expand Mode',
and utility methods for working with them.
EnMultiStageLinkMode |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'En Multi Stage Link Mode',
and utility methods for working with them.
EnSplineMode |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'En Spline Mode',
and utility methods for working with them.
EnTranslucenceMode |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'En Translucence Mode',
and utility methods for working with them.
GaugeChartLabelsLocation |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Gauge Chart Labels Location',
and utility methods for working with them.
GaugeChartValuesPresentation |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Gauge Chart Values Presentation',
and utility methods for working with them.
GridLinesShowMode |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Grid Lines Show Mode',
and utility methods for working with them.
LabelsOrientation |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Labels Orientation',
and utility methods for working with them.
LegendPlacement |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Legend Placement',
and utility methods for working with them.
MarkerType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Marker Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
MaxSeriesMode |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Max Series Mode',
and utility methods for working with them.
NonnumericChartValueUse |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Nonnumeric Chart Value Use',
and utility methods for working with them.
PaletteKind |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Palette Kind',
and utility methods for working with them.
PlotAreaPlacement |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Plot Area Placement',
and utility methods for working with them.
PointsAxisValuesSource |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Points Axis Values Source',
and utility methods for working with them.
PointsConnectionAcrossSkippedChartValuesType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Points Connection Across Skipped Chart Values Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
PointsConnectionType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Points Connection Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
RadarChartScaleType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Radar Chart Scale Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
ScaleLabelLocation |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Scale Label Location',
and utility methods for working with them.
ScaleLocation |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Scale Location',
and utility methods for working with them.
ScaleMarkLocation |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Scale Mark Location',
and utility methods for working with them.
ScaleTitlePlacement |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Scale Title Placement',
and utility methods for working with them.
ScaleTitleTextSource |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Scale Title Text Source',
and utility methods for working with them.
SeriesOrderInLegend |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Series Order In Legend',
and utility methods for working with them.
ShowChartPopupReferenceLine |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Show Chart Popup Reference Line',
and utility methods for working with them.
ShowChartScaleTitle |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Show Chart Scale Title',
and utility methods for working with them.
ShowInChartLegend |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Show In Chart Legend',
and utility methods for working with them.
ShowOnChart |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Show On Chart',
and utility methods for working with them.
SpaceMode |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Space Mode',
and utility methods for working with them.
StockChartUsedPointValue |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Stock Chart Used Point Value',
and utility methods for working with them.
TitleAreaPlacement |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Title Area Placement',
and utility methods for working with them.
TrendlineApproximationType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Trendline Approximation Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
TrendlineFactor |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Trendline Factor',
and utility methods for working with them.
UsedChartValuesAxis |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Used Chart Values Axis',
and utility methods for working with them.