Class OpenMoxelEditorByLinkComponent

    • Constructor Detail

      • OpenMoxelEditorByLinkComponent

        public OpenMoxelEditorByLinkComponent​(ILinkParametrization parameterization,
                                              IV8ProjectManager v8ProjectManager,
                                              IMoxelDocumentService moxelDocumentService,
                                              ITopObjectFqnGenerator fqnGenerator,
                                              IResourceLookup resourceLookup,
                                              IBmModelManager modelManager)
        Instantiates a new link component with the given parameterization.
        parameterization - the parameterization. Cannot be null
        v8ProjectManager - the V8 project manager. Cannot be null
        moxelDocumentService - the Moxel document service. Cannot be null
        fqnGenerator - the FQN generator. Cannot be null
        resourceLookup - the resource lookup. Cannot be null
        modelManager - the model manager. Cannot be null
    • Method Detail

      • handleLinkClicked

        protected void handleLinkClicked​(IViewModel viewModel)
        Description copied from class: LinkComponent
        Handles the link clicked event.
        handleLinkClicked in class LinkComponent<<org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject,​SpreadsheetDocumentExtInfo>>
        viewModel - the view model of the event sender.