Class PredefinedItemWriter

    • Constructor Detail

      • PredefinedItemWriter

        public PredefinedItemWriter()
    • Method Detail

      • writePredefinedItemProperty

        protected void writePredefinedItemProperty​(ExportXmlStreamWriter writer,
                                                   PredefinedItem predefinedItem,
                                                   org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature feature,
                                                   boolean writeEmpty,
                                                   Version version)
                                            throws XMLStreamException,
        Write predefined item property feature to the XML writer.
        writer - the xml ExportXmlStreamWriter, cannot be null
        predefinedItem - the predefined item to write, cannot be null
        feature - the feature to write, cannot be null
        writeEmpty - write empty element if true or nothing if false
        version - the exporting project Version, cannot be null
        XMLStreamException - if unexpected processing errors
        ExportException - if export processing errors
      • isFeatureSupportedByVersion

        protected boolean isFeatureSupportedByVersion​(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature feature,
                                                      Version version)
        Check feature is supported be specific version
        feature - the feature to check, cannot be null
        version - the Version, cannot be null
        whether feature is supported be specific version