Interface IMdNativeMobileClientSignProvider

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IMdNativeMobileClientSignProvider
    Special interface for generating private, public key and mobile signature by native API
    • Method Detail

      • generatePrivateKey

        String generatePrivateKey​(long scomDataAddress)
        Generates new private key for creating mobile application signature
        scomDataAddress - actual data memory address with loading platform SCOM components
        new private key for creating mobile application signature, never null
      • getPublicKeyByPrivate

        String getPublicKeyByPrivate​(long scomDataAddress,
                                     String privateKey)
        Gets public key by private for creating mobile application signature
        scomDataAddress - actual data memory address with loading platform SCOM components
        privateKey - actual private key for creating mobile application signature, cannot be null
        public key for creating mobile application signature, never null
      • generateSignature

        String generateSignature​(long scomDataAddress,
                                 String privateKey,
                                 String mcdEnumsData,
                                 String mcdRefsData,
                                 String mcdRegKeysData,
                                 String mcdInfoRegKeysData)
        Gets mobile application signature
        scomDataAddress - actual data memory address with loading platform SCOM components
        privateKey - actual private key for creating mobile application signature, cannot be null
        mcdEnumsData - data for sign corresponding to MobileClientDigestTypes#getMcdEnums(), cannot be null
        mcdRefsData - data for sign corresponding to MobileClientDigestTypes#getMcdRefs(), cannot be null
        mcdRegKeysData - data for sign corresponding to MobileClientDigestTypes#getMcdRegKeys(), cannot be null
        mcdInfoRegKeysData - data for sign corresponding to MobileClientDigestTypes#getMcdInfoRegKeys(), cannot be null
        mobile application signature, never null