Uses of Package
Classes in com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel used by com._1c.g5.v8.dt.dcs.ui.templates Class Description SpreadsheetDocument A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Document'. -
Classes in com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel used by com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel Class Description AbstarctMoxelTransfer The classMoxelTransfer
provides a basic platform-specific mechanism for converting both v8 spreadsheet document and v8 spreadsheet drawing represented as a javaSpreadsheetDocument
to a platform-specific representation of the data and vice versa.Cell A representation of the model object 'Cell'.ChartDrawing A representation of the model object 'Chart Drawing'.Column A representation of the model object 'Column'.ColumnGroup A representation of the model object 'Column Group'.ColumnMerge A representation of the model object 'Column Merge'.Columns A representation of the model object 'Columns'.ColumnsArea A representation of the model object 'Columns Area'.CommentDrawing A representation of the model object 'Comment Drawing'.ControlDrawing A representation of the model object 'Control Drawing'.DendrogramDrawing A representation of the model object 'Dendrogram Drawing'.DimensionAttributePlacementType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Dimension Attribute Placement Type', and utility methods for working with them.DimensionPlacementType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Dimension Placement Type', and utility methods for working with them.Drawing A representation of the model object 'Drawing'.DrawingsDataSource A representation of the model object 'Drawings Data Source'.DrawingType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Drawing Type', and utility methods for working with them.DuplexPrintingType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Duplex Printing Type', and utility methods for working with them.EllipseDrawing A representation of the model object 'Ellipse Drawing'.EmbeddedTableItem A representation of the model object 'Embedded Table Item'.ExtensionAlgorithm A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Extension Algorithm', and utility methods for working with them.Format A representation of the model object 'Format'.GanttChartDrawing A representation of the model object 'Gantt Chart Drawing'.GeographicalSchemaDrawing A representation of the model object 'Geographical Schema Drawing'.Group A representation of the model object 'Group'.GroupDrawing A representation of the model object 'Group Drawing'.GroupHeaderPlacement A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Group Header Placement', and utility methods for working with them.LanguageInfo A representation of the model object 'Language Info'.LanguageSettings A representation of the model object 'Language Settings'.LineDrawing A representation of the model object 'Line Drawing'.Merge A representation of the model object 'Merge'.MoxelCorePlugin Plugin with injector for moxelMoxelDescriptorTransfer The classMoxelDescriptorTransfer
provides a platform specific mechanism for converting moxel document descriptor represented as a javaMoxelDescriptor
to a platform specific representation of the data and vice versa.MoxelFactory The Factory for the model.MoxelPackage The Package for the model.NamedItem A representation of the model object 'Named Item'.NamedItemCells A representation of the model object 'Named Item Cells'.NamedItemDataSource A representation of the model object 'Named Item Data Source'.NamedItemDrawing A representation of the model object 'Named Item Drawing'.NamedItemEmbeddedTable A representation of the model object 'Named Item Embedded Table'.ObjectDrawing A representation of the model object 'Object Drawing'.PageOrientation A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Page Orientation', and utility methods for working with them.PagePlacementAlternation A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Page Placement Alternation', and utility methods for working with them.PictureDrawing A representation of the model object 'Picture Drawing'.PivotChartDrawing A representation of the model object 'Pivot Chart Drawing'.PivotTable A representation of the model object 'Pivot Table'.PivotTableLinesShowType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Pivot Table Lines Show Type', and utility methods for working with them.PrintAccuracy A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Print Accuracy', and utility methods for working with them.PrintSettings A representation of the model object 'Print Settings'.Rect A representation of the model object 'Rect'.RectangleDrawing A representation of the model object 'Rectangle Drawing'.RectArea A representation of the model object 'Rect Area'.Row A representation of the model object 'Row'.RowGroup A representation of the model object 'Row Group'.RowMerge A representation of the model object 'Row Merge'.RowsArea A representation of the model object 'Rows Area'.SpreadsheetDocument A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Document'.SpreadsheetPoint A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Point'.SpreadsheetRect A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Rect'.StandardAppearance A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Standard Appearance', and utility methods for working with them.TableArea A representation of the model object 'Table Area'.TextDrawing A representation of the model object 'Text Drawing'.UnsupportedObjectContent A representation of the model object 'Unsupported Object Content'.ViewSettings A representation of the model object 'View Settings'. -
Classes in com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel used by com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel.impl Class Description Cell A representation of the model object 'Cell'.ChartDrawing A representation of the model object 'Chart Drawing'.Column A representation of the model object 'Column'.ColumnGroup A representation of the model object 'Column Group'.ColumnMerge A representation of the model object 'Column Merge'.Columns A representation of the model object 'Columns'.ColumnsArea A representation of the model object 'Columns Area'.CommentDrawing A representation of the model object 'Comment Drawing'.ControlDrawing A representation of the model object 'Control Drawing'.DendrogramDrawing A representation of the model object 'Dendrogram Drawing'.DimensionAttributePlacementType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Dimension Attribute Placement Type', and utility methods for working with them.DimensionPlacementType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Dimension Placement Type', and utility methods for working with them.Drawing A representation of the model object 'Drawing'.DrawingsDataSource A representation of the model object 'Drawings Data Source'.DrawingType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Drawing Type', and utility methods for working with them.DuplexPrintingType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Duplex Printing Type', and utility methods for working with them.EllipseDrawing A representation of the model object 'Ellipse Drawing'.EmbeddedTableItem A representation of the model object 'Embedded Table Item'.ExtensionAlgorithm A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Extension Algorithm', and utility methods for working with them.Format A representation of the model object 'Format'.GanttChartDrawing A representation of the model object 'Gantt Chart Drawing'.GeographicalSchemaDrawing A representation of the model object 'Geographical Schema Drawing'.Group A representation of the model object 'Group'.GroupDrawing A representation of the model object 'Group Drawing'.GroupHeaderPlacement A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Group Header Placement', and utility methods for working with them.LanguageInfo A representation of the model object 'Language Info'.LanguageSettings A representation of the model object 'Language Settings'.LineDrawing A representation of the model object 'Line Drawing'.Merge A representation of the model object 'Merge'.MoxelFactory The Factory for the model.MoxelPackage The Package for the model.NamedItem A representation of the model object 'Named Item'.NamedItemCells A representation of the model object 'Named Item Cells'.NamedItemDataSource A representation of the model object 'Named Item Data Source'.NamedItemDrawing A representation of the model object 'Named Item Drawing'.NamedItemEmbeddedTable A representation of the model object 'Named Item Embedded Table'.ObjectDrawing A representation of the model object 'Object Drawing'.PageOrientation A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Page Orientation', and utility methods for working with them.PagePlacementAlternation A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Page Placement Alternation', and utility methods for working with them.PictureDrawing A representation of the model object 'Picture Drawing'.PivotChartDrawing A representation of the model object 'Pivot Chart Drawing'.PivotTable A representation of the model object 'Pivot Table'.PivotTableLinesShowType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Pivot Table Lines Show Type', and utility methods for working with them.PrintAccuracy A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Print Accuracy', and utility methods for working with them.PrintSettings A representation of the model object 'Print Settings'.Rect A representation of the model object 'Rect'.RectangleDrawing A representation of the model object 'Rectangle Drawing'.RectArea A representation of the model object 'Rect Area'.Row A representation of the model object 'Row'.RowGroup A representation of the model object 'Row Group'.RowMerge A representation of the model object 'Row Merge'.RowsArea A representation of the model object 'Rows Area'.SpreadsheetDocument A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Document'.SpreadsheetPoint A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Point'.SpreadsheetRect A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Rect'.StandardAppearance A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Standard Appearance', and utility methods for working with them.TableArea A representation of the model object 'Table Area'.TextDrawing A representation of the model object 'Text Drawing'.UnsupportedObjectContent A representation of the model object 'Unsupported Object Content'.ViewSettings A representation of the model object 'View Settings'. -
Classes in com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel used by com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel.ui.editor Class Description Cell A representation of the model object 'Cell'.ColumnMerge A representation of the model object 'Column Merge'.Columns A representation of the model object 'Columns'.CommentDrawing A representation of the model object 'Comment Drawing'.Drawing A representation of the model object 'Drawing'.ExtensionAlgorithm A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Extension Algorithm', and utility methods for working with them.Format A representation of the model object 'Format'.Group A representation of the model object 'Group'.GroupHeaderPlacement A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Group Header Placement', and utility methods for working with them.MoxelDescriptor NamedItem A representation of the model object 'Named Item'.PasteSpecialOptions Options for special paste.Row A representation of the model object 'Row'.RowMerge A representation of the model object 'Row Merge'.SpreadsheetDocument A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Document'.SpreadsheetPoint A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Point'.SpreadsheetRect A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Rect'.TextDrawing A representation of the model object 'Text Drawing'. -
Classes in com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel used by com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel.ui.editor.dialogs Class Description GroupHeaderPlacement A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Group Header Placement', and utility methods for working with them.PageOrientation A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Page Orientation', and utility methods for working with them.PagePlacementAlternation A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Page Placement Alternation', and utility methods for working with them.PasteSpecialOptions Options for special paste.PrintSettings A representation of the model object 'Print Settings'. -
Classes in com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel used by Class Description Drawing A representation of the model object 'Drawing'. -
Classes in com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel used by com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel.ui.extension.diff Class Description Columns A representation of the model object 'Columns'.Drawing A representation of the model object 'Drawing'.RowsArea A representation of the model object 'Rows Area'.SpreadsheetDocument A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Document'. -
Classes in com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel used by com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel.ui.extension.handlers Class Description ExtensionAlgorithm A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Extension Algorithm', and utility methods for working with them. -
Classes in com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel used by com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel.ui.operations Class Description Cell A representation of the model object 'Cell'.Columns A representation of the model object 'Columns'.Drawing A representation of the model object 'Drawing'.GroupDrawing A representation of the model object 'Group Drawing'.GroupHeaderPlacement A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Group Header Placement', and utility methods for working with them.MoxelDescriptor PasteSpecialOptions Options for special paste.SpreadsheetDocument A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Document'.SpreadsheetRect A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Rect'. -
Classes in com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel used by com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel.util Class Description Cell A representation of the model object 'Cell'.ChartDrawing A representation of the model object 'Chart Drawing'.Column A representation of the model object 'Column'.ColumnGroup A representation of the model object 'Column Group'.ColumnMerge A representation of the model object 'Column Merge'.Columns A representation of the model object 'Columns'.ColumnsArea A representation of the model object 'Columns Area'.CommentDrawing A representation of the model object 'Comment Drawing'.ControlDrawing A representation of the model object 'Control Drawing'.DendrogramDrawing A representation of the model object 'Dendrogram Drawing'.DimensionAttributePlacementType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Dimension Attribute Placement Type', and utility methods for working with them.DimensionPlacementType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Dimension Placement Type', and utility methods for working with them.Drawing A representation of the model object 'Drawing'.DrawingsDataSource A representation of the model object 'Drawings Data Source'.DuplexPrintingType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Duplex Printing Type', and utility methods for working with them.EllipseDrawing A representation of the model object 'Ellipse Drawing'.EmbeddedTableItem A representation of the model object 'Embedded Table Item'.ExtensionAlgorithm A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Extension Algorithm', and utility methods for working with them.Format A representation of the model object 'Format'.GanttChartDrawing A representation of the model object 'Gantt Chart Drawing'.GeographicalSchemaDrawing A representation of the model object 'Geographical Schema Drawing'.Group A representation of the model object 'Group'.GroupDrawing A representation of the model object 'Group Drawing'.GroupHeaderPlacement A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Group Header Placement', and utility methods for working with them.LanguageInfo A representation of the model object 'Language Info'.LanguageSettings A representation of the model object 'Language Settings'.LineDrawing A representation of the model object 'Line Drawing'.Merge A representation of the model object 'Merge'.MoxelPackage The Package for the model.NamedItem A representation of the model object 'Named Item'.NamedItemCells A representation of the model object 'Named Item Cells'.NamedItemDataSource A representation of the model object 'Named Item Data Source'.NamedItemDrawing A representation of the model object 'Named Item Drawing'.NamedItemEmbeddedTable A representation of the model object 'Named Item Embedded Table'.ObjectDrawing A representation of the model object 'Object Drawing'.PageOrientation A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Page Orientation', and utility methods for working with them.PagePlacementAlternation A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Page Placement Alternation', and utility methods for working with them.PictureDrawing A representation of the model object 'Picture Drawing'.PivotChartDrawing A representation of the model object 'Pivot Chart Drawing'.PivotTable A representation of the model object 'Pivot Table'.PivotTableLinesShowType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Pivot Table Lines Show Type', and utility methods for working with them.PrintAccuracy A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Print Accuracy', and utility methods for working with them.PrintSettings A representation of the model object 'Print Settings'.Rect A representation of the model object 'Rect'.RectangleDrawing A representation of the model object 'Rectangle Drawing'.RectArea A representation of the model object 'Rect Area'.Row A representation of the model object 'Row'.RowGroup A representation of the model object 'Row Group'.RowMerge A representation of the model object 'Row Merge'.RowsArea A representation of the model object 'Rows Area'.SpreadsheetDocument A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Document'.SpreadsheetPoint A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Point'.SpreadsheetRect A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Rect'.StandardAppearance A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Standard Appearance', and utility methods for working with them.TableArea A representation of the model object 'Table Area'.TextDrawing A representation of the model object 'Text Drawing'.UnsupportedObjectContent A representation of the model object 'Unsupported Object Content'.ViewSettings A representation of the model object 'View Settings'. -
Classes in com._1c.g5.v8.dt.moxel used by com._1c.g5.v8.dt.qw.ui.utils Class Description Column A representation of the model object 'Column'.SpreadsheetDocument A representation of the model object 'Spreadsheet Document'.