Class ChangeRowsColumnsOperation

    • Constructor Detail

      • ChangeRowsColumnsOperation

        public ChangeRowsColumnsOperation​(String label,
                                          SheetAccessor sheet_,
                                          int beginRowIndex_,
                                          int endRowIndex_,
                                          Columns newColumns_,
                                          boolean nested)
        label -
        undoContext -
        sheet_ -
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public Void execute​(IBmTransaction transaction,
                            org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
        Description copied from interface: IBmTask

        The method called by the task executor with an active transaction. The method code must not commit or rollback the transaction.

        If the task is not supposed to return a result, then it may be parameterized with Void and return null.

        transaction - The active transaction. May not be null.
        progressMonitor - The monitor to indicate the progress. May not be null.
        execution result, may be null.