Class PlatformServicesUiFactory

  • public class PlatformServicesUiFactory
    extends Object
    Factory to create common platfom services UI controls. Factory allows to create:
    • Add 1C:Enterprise Runtime button
    • New infobase button
    • Infobase selection button
    • 1C:Enterprise Runtime installations viewer
    • Infobases viewer
    This class is not intended to be sub-classed by clients.
    This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PlatformServicesUiFactory

        public PlatformServicesUiFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • createRuntimeInstallationsViewer

        public ComboViewer createRuntimeInstallationsViewer​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent)
        Create 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation viewer. Viewer allows user to select necessary 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation of enterprise Runtime type.
        parent - the parent composite, cannot be null
        the created viewer, never null
      • createRuntimeInstallationsViewer

        public ComboViewer createRuntimeInstallationsViewer​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent,
                                                            String runtimeTypeId)
        Create 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation viewer. Viewer allows user to select necessary 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation of the given Runtime type.
        parent - the parent composite, cannot be null
        runtimeTypeId - the type of C:Enterprise Runtime, cannot be null
        the created viewer, never null
      • createRuntimeInstallationsViewer

        public ComboViewer createRuntimeInstallationsViewer​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent,
                                                            String runtimeTypeId,
                                                            org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project,
                                                            InfobaseReference infobase,
                                                            InfobaseAccessType accessType)
        Create 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation viewer. Viewer allows user to select necessary 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation of the given Runtime type.
        parent - the parent composite, cannot be null
        runtimeTypeId - the type of C:Enterprise Runtime, cannot be null
        project - the project to get access settings for, cannot be null
        accessType - the infobase access type, cannot be null
        infobase - the infobase to get access settings for, cannot be null
        the created viewer, never null
      • createAddRuntimeButton

        public org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button createAddRuntimeButton​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent,
                                                                     ComboViewer installationsViewer)
        Create Add existing 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation button. Button will execute enterprise 1C:Enterprise Runtime wizard. Added 1C:Enterprise Runtime will be inserted and selected in the installation viewer.
        parent - the parent composite, cannot be null
        installationsViewer - the target viewer to select created 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation, cannot be null
        the created button, never null
      • createAddRuntimeButton

        public org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button createAddRuntimeButton​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent,
                                                                     String runtimeTypeId,
                                                                     String wizardId,
                                                                     ComboViewer installationsViewer,
                                                                     ComboViewer projectsViewer,
                                                                     ComboViewer infobasesViewer,
                                                                     InfobaseAccessType accessType)
        Create Add existing 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation button. Button will execute the given type of 1C:Enterprise Runtime wizard. Added 1C:Enterprise Runtime will be inserted and selected in the installation viewer.
        parent - the parent composite, cannot be null
        runtimeTypeId - the type of C:Enterprise Runtime, cannot be null
        wizardId - the wizard id to open with button selection, wizard must be instance of IRuntimeInstallationWizard, cannot be null
        installationsViewer - the target viewer to select created 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation, cannot be null
        projectsViewer - the projects viewer to get information about project, or null if none
        infobasesViewer - the infobases viewer to get information about infobase or null if none
        accessType - the infobase access type to add installation for or null if none
        the created button, never null
      • createAddRuntimeButton

        public org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button createAddRuntimeButton​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent,
                                                                     ComboViewer installationsViewer,
                                                                     org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project,
                                                                     ComboViewer infobasesViewer)
        Create Add existing 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation button. Button will execute enterprise 1C:Enterprise Runtime wizard. Added 1C:Enterprise Runtime will be inserted and selected in the installation viewer.
        parent - the parent composite, cannot be null
        installationsViewer - the target viewer to select created 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation, cannot be null
        the created button, never null
      • createAddRuntimeLwtButton

        public LightImageButton createAddRuntimeLwtButton​(LightComboViewer viewer)
        Create Add existing 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation LWT button. Button will execute of 1C:Enterprise Runtime wizard. Added 1C:Enterprise Runtime will be inserted and selected in the installation viewer.
        viewer - the parent LWT installation viewer, cannot be null
        the created button, never null
      • createInfobasesViewer

        public ComboViewer createInfobasesViewer​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent)
        Create infobases viewer. Viewer allows user to select necessary infobase.
        parent - the parent composite, cannot be null
        the created viewer, never null
      • createInfobasesViewer

        public ComboViewer createInfobasesViewer​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent,
                                                 Predicate<InfobaseReference> filter)
        Create infobases viewer. Viewer allows user to select necessary infobase. Clients may define filter to filter infobases input.
        parent - the parent composite, cannot be null
        filter - the fileter to fileter infobases input or null if not needed
        the created viewer, never null
      • linkInfobaseViewerWithRuntimeInstallationsViewer

        public void linkInfobaseViewerWithRuntimeInstallationsViewer​(ComboViewer infobasesViewer,
                                                                     ComboViewer installationsViewer,
                                                                     org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text infobaseUser,
                                                                     org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text infobasePassword,
                                                                     org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text additionalParameters,
                                                                     org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button osAuthentication,
                                                                     org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button infobaseAuthentication,
                                                                     org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Link infobase viewer selection with the 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation viewer selection. Selected infobase will trigger 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation and infobase user and password selection. Some UI constols may be missing.
        infobasesViewer - the infobases viewer, cannot be null
        installationsViewer - the 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation viewer, or null of not needed
        infobaseUser - the infobase user text, or null of not needed
        infobasePassword - the infobase user password, or null of not needed
        additionalParameters - the infobase additional parameters, or null of not needed
        osAuthentication - the OS authentication button, or null of not needed
        infobaseAuthentication - the infobase OS authentication button, or null of not needed
        project - the project to use to link, cannot be null
      • selectInfobaseAccessSettings

        public boolean selectInfobaseAccessSettings​(InfobaseReference infobase,
                                                    InfobaseAccessType accessType,
                                                    org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project,
                                                    ComboViewer installationsViewer,
                                                    org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text infobaseUser,
                                                    org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text infobasePassword,
                                                    org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text additionalParameters,
                                                    org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button osAuthentication,
                                                    org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button infobaseAuthentication)
        Trigger 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation and infobase userand password selection. Some UI constols may be missing.

        Returns wheter access user ant type settings was set during method execution.

        infobase - the infobase to get access settings for, cannot be null
        accessType - the infobase access type, cannot be null
        project - the project to get access settings for, can be null if not needed
        installationsViewer - the 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation viewer, or null of not needed
        infobaseUser - the infobase user text, or null of not needed
        infobasePassword - the infobase user password, or null of not needed
        additionalParameters - the infobase additional parameters, or null of not needed
        osAuthentication - the OS authentication button, or null of not needed
        infobaseAuthentication - the infobase OS authentication button, or null of not needed
        wheter access user ant type settings was set during method execution
      • createNewInfobaseButton

        public org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button createNewInfobaseButton​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent)
        Create New infobase button. Button will execute infobase creation wizard. To add actual button selection action clients need to execute linkNewInfobaseButtionWithInfobasesViewer(Button, ComboViewer, ComboViewer).
        parent - the parent composite, cannot be null
        the created button, never null
      • createNewInfobaseLwtButton

        public LightImageButton createNewInfobaseLwtButton​(LightComboViewer infobasesViewer,
                                                           LightComboViewer installationsViewer)
        Create New infobase LWT button. Button will execute infobase creation wizard.
        installationViewer - target 1C:Enterprise Runtime installations viewer to select probably added 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation or null if not needed
        infobaseManager - the infobase manager, cannot be null
        the created button, never null
      • createSelectInfobaseButton

        public org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button createSelectInfobaseButton​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent,
                                                                         ComboViewer infobaseViewer)
        Create ... infobase selection button. Button will open tree infobase selection dialog.
        parent - the parent composite, cannot be null
        infobaseViewer - the infobase viewer to get intitial selection from and to set dialog result to, cannot be null
        the created button, never null
      • createSelectInfobaseLWtButton

        public LightImageButton createSelectInfobaseLWtButton​(LightComboViewer viewer)
        Create ... infobase selection LWT button. Button will open tree infobase selection dialog.
        parent - the parent composite, cannot be null
        viewer - viewer the infobase LWT viewer to get intitial selection from and to set dialog result to, cannot be null
        the created button, never null
      • createInfobaseSettingsButton

        public org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button createInfobaseSettingsButton​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent,
                                                                           ComboViewer infobasesViewer)
        Create infobase Settings editing button. Button will show infobase settings editing dialog.
        parent - the parent composite, cannot be null
        infobasesViewer - the target viewer to edit infobase settings from, cannot be null
        the created button, never null
      • createInfobaseSettingsButton

        public org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button createInfobaseSettingsButton​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent,
                                                                           InfobaseReference infobase,
                                                                           org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Create infobase Settings editing button. Button will show infobase settings editing dialog.
        parent - the parent composite, cannot be null
        infobase - the infobase to change infobase access settings, cannot be null
        project - the project to open infobase access settings for or null if not needed
        the created button, never null
      • createInfobaseSettingsLwtButton

        public LightImageButton createInfobaseSettingsLwtButton​(LightComboViewer viewer)
        Create infobase Settings editing button. Button will show infobase settings editing dialog.
        parent - the parent composite, cannot be null
        infobasesViewer - the target viewer to edit infobase settings from, cannot be null
        the created button, never null
      • createInfobaseSettingsLink

        public org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Link createInfobaseSettingsLink​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent,
                                                                       ComboViewer infobasesViewer)
        Create infobase Settings editing link. Link will show infobase settings editing dialog.
        parent - the parent composite, cannot be null
        infobasesViewer - the target viewer to edit infobase settings from, cannot be null
        the created link, never null
      • linkNewInfobaseButtionWithInfobasesViewer

        public void linkNewInfobaseButtionWithInfobasesViewer​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button newInfobase,
                                                              ComboViewer infobasesViewer,
                                                              ComboViewer installationsViewer)
        Link New indobase button with the infobase viewer selection. Created infobase will trigger infobase viewer selection. Possibly-added 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation will also be selected in the given 1C:Enterprise installation viewer.
        newInfobase - the new infobase button, cannot be null
        infobasesViewer - the infobases viewer, cannot be null
        installationsViewer - the 1C:Enterprise installations viewer, or null if not needed
      • openInfobaseAccessSettingsDialog

        public void openInfobaseAccessSettingsDialog​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell shell,
                                                     StructuredViewer infobaseViewer,
                                                     org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Open infobase access settings dialog.
        shell - the shell to use, cannot be null
        infobaseViewer - the infobase viewer to get editing infobase from, cannot be null
        project - the project to open infobase access settings for or null if not needed
      • openInfobaseAccessSettingsDialog

        public void openInfobaseAccessSettingsDialog​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell shell,
                                                     InfobaseReference infobase,
                                                     org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project)
        Open infobase access settings dialog.
        shell - the shell to use, cannot be null
        infobase - the infobase to change infobase access settings, cannot be null
        project - the project to open infobase access settings for or null if not needed
      • updateInfobaseAccessSettings

        public IInfobaseAccessSettings updateInfobaseAccessSettings​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell shell,
                                                                    InfobaseReference infobase,
                                                                    String requestMessage)
        Opens infobase access settings dialog and returns new access settings or null if canceled.
        shell - the shell to use, cannot be null
        infobase - the infobase to change infobase access settings
        requestMessage - the request access message, if null then default dialog message used
        new IInfobaseAccessSettings if 'Ok' pressed, null otherwise
      • openDumpInfobaseWizard

        public int openDumpInfobaseWizard​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell shell,
                                          InfobaseReference infobase,
                                          IResolvableRuntimeInstallation installation)
        Opens 1C:Enterprise infobase dump to .dt file wizard. Returns the wizard dialog return code.
        shell - the shell to use, cannot be null
        infobase - the infobase to dump, cannot be null
        installation - the 1C:Enterprise platform installation to use, cannot be null
        the wizard dialog return code
      • openRestoreInfobaseWizard

        public int openRestoreInfobaseWizard​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell shell,
                                             InfobaseReference infobase,
                                             IResolvableRuntimeInstallation installation)
        Opens 1C:Enterprise infobase restore from .dt file wizard. Returns the wizard dialog return code.
        shell - the shell to use, cannot be null
        infobase - the infobase to dump, cannot be null
        installation - the 1C:Enterprise platform installation to use, cannot be null
        the wizard dialog return code
      • openExportConfigurationFileWizard

        public int openExportConfigurationFileWizard​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell shell,
                                                     InfobaseReference infobase,
                                                     IResolvableRuntimeInstallation installation)
        Opens 1C:Enterprise infobase export to .cf|.cfe file wizard. Returns the wizard dialog return code.
        shell - the shell to use, cannot be null
        infobase - the infobase to export to file, cannot be null
        installation - the 1C:Enterprise platform installation to use, cannot be null
        the wizard dialog return code
      • createUserListButton

        public org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button createUserListButton​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent,
                                                                   Supplier<Object> selectionSupplier)
        Creates 'Users' standard data processor command open button.
        parent - parent composite, cannot be null
        selectionSupplier - the selection supplier with (IApplication or InfobaseReference) type, cannot be null