Class QlPredefinedValueProvider

  • public class QlPredefinedValueProvider
    extends Object
    Special provider for predefined value for Ql language.
    Predefined values available from operator 'VALUE'.
    • Field Detail

      • scopeProvider

        protected org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.IScopeProvider scopeProvider
    • Constructor Detail

      • QlPredefinedValueProvider

        public QlPredefinedValueProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • getAllPredefinedValues

        public List<String> getAllPredefinedValues​(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject context)
        Gets all names of allowed predefined values for actual context
        context - actual context, can't be null
        all names of allowed predefined values for actual context, never null
      • getAllPredefinedValuesByLang

        public List<String[]> getAllPredefinedValuesByLang​(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject context,
                                                           boolean isRu)
        Gets all names of allowed predefined values for actual context and actual script variant
        context - actual context, can't be null
        isRu - true actual script varian is Russian, false if actual script varian is English
        all names of allowed predefined values divided by parts for actual context and actual script variant, never null
      • computePredefinedValueType

        public TypeDescription computePredefinedValueType​(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject context,
                                                          String predefinedValue)
        Computes type of predefined value by its name
        context - actual context, can't be null
        predefinedValue - name of the predefined value, can't be null
        TypeDescription with computed type or empty TypeDescription, if type wasn't computed. Never null