Interface IBranchCheckoutContext

  • public interface IBranchCheckoutContext
    The branch checkout context. Provides information about the checkout and means for progress reporting.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getRepository

        org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository getRepository()
        the repository to checkout, never null
      • getTarget

        org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref getTarget()
        the target ref, never null
      • setExtraWork

        void setExtraWork​(double work)
        Sets the relative amount of work, which the listener is going to consume from the total checkout operation progress. The checkout itself is assumed to take 1.0 units of work.

        This method has nothing to do with the amount of work, allocated with IProgressMonitor.beginTask(String, int) or SubMonitor.setWorkRemaining(int).

        For example, if execution of beforeCheckout and afterCheckout is expected to be two times faster than checkout, the listener must call setExtraWork(0.5). Then it may report progress with an arbitrary granularity, controlled with the methods of IProgressMonitor and SubMonitor.

        work - the relative work units, must not be negative
      • getProgressMonitor

        org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor getProgressMonitor()
        the progress monitor to report listener's progress, never null