Interface OnModelObjectRemovalContextCollector

  • public interface OnModelObjectRemovalContextCollector
    Collects check contexts in case if a new object was added to the model (manually or via the import operation) This collector should be registered via the ICheckDefinition#addModelAssociationContextCollector(OnModelObjectRemovalContextCollector, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass) method during the ICheck.configureContextCollector(com.e1c.g5.v8.dt.check.ICheckDefinition) stage.
    • Method Detail

      • collectContextOnObjectRemoval

        void collectContextOnObjectRemoval​(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI removedObjectUri,
                                           org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass removedObjectEClass,
                                           BmSubEvent bmEvent,
                                           CheckContextCollectingSession contextSession,
                                           IBmTransaction bmTransaction)
        Performs the check context collecting in case of the BM object removal.
        Note that, if the type of the BM object is not supported, an exception will be thrown.
        removedObjectUri - The BM URI of the removed object. May not be null
        removedObjectEClass - The EClass of the removed object. May not be null
        bmEvent - The event that has been fired by BM in response to the association. May not be null
        contextSession - Session of the context collection being used to access object contexts. May not be null
        bmTransaction - Current BM transaction for the scope collection. May not be null