Interface IBslElementRegionProvider

  • public interface IBslElementRegionProvider
    Provides interface to storage with check IDs mapped to line ranges within the BSL module.
    • Method Detail

      • saveSuppressedRegion

        void saveSuppressedRegion​(org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.INode node,
                                  Set<String> checkIds)
        Saves suppressed checks with mapped line ranges to the storage. Rewrites line ranges for existing ids if the existing mapped range is a subset of a new range.
        node - the node of the semantic element, cannot be null
        checkIds - the set of check ids to map and save to the storage, cannot be null
      • saveSuppressedRegion

        void saveSuppressedRegion​(int startLine,
                                  int endLine,
                                  Set<String> checkIds)
        Saves suppressed checks with mapped line ranges to the storage. Rewrites line ranges for existing ids if the existing mapped range is a subset of a new range.
        startLine - The start line of the region
        endLine - The end line of the region
        checkIds - the set of check ids to map and save to the storage, cannot be null
      • saveAllowedRegion

        void saveAllowedRegion​(org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.INode node,
                               Set<String> checkIds)
        Saves allowed checks with mapped line ranges to the storage.
        node - the node of the semantic element, cannot be null
        checkIds - the set of check ids to map and save to the storage, cannot be null
      • isSuppressed

        boolean isSuppressed​(org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.INode node,
                             String checkId)
        Requests the check suppression status for the given check
        node - The target syntax model node. May not be null
        checkId - the check id to examine, cannot be null
        True if the given check is suppressed
      • getSuppressedCheckIds

        Collection<String> getSuppressedCheckIds​(org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.INode node)
        Gets all check suppressions applicable to the given syntax model node.
        node - The target syntax model node. May not be null
        The collection of check ids. May not be null. May be empty