Interface IGitIntegrationStrategy

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    BranchFilteredIntegrationStrategy, TransitionFilteredIntegrationStrategy

    public interface IGitIntegrationStrategy
    Snapshot Git integration strategy. Determines when snapshots shall be created or restored.
    This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
    This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
    • Method Detail

      • wantCreateSnapshot

        boolean wantCreateSnapshot​(IGitBoundProjectStateDelta delta,
                                   ISnapshotLocationProvider locationProvider)
        Tests whether it is desired to create a snapshot on the given Git-associated project state transition.
        delta - the Git-associated project state delta, never null
        locationProvider - , the snapshot location provider, never null
        true if the snapshot creation is desired
      • wantRestoreSnapshot

        boolean wantRestoreSnapshot​(IGitBoundProjectStateDelta delta,
                                    ISnapshotLocationProvider locationProvider)
        Tests whether it is desired to restore a snapshot on the given Git-associated project state transition.
        delta - the Git-associated project state delta, never null
        locationProvider - , the snapshot location provider, never null
        true if the snapshot restoration is desired
      • shallKeepSnapshot

        boolean shallKeepSnapshot​(org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project,
                                  org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository repo,
                                  org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId revision)
        Tests whether a snapshot may be required in future. The snapshot is referred to by a project and commit.

        This method is used for garbage collection purposes and does not affect snapshot creation or restoration.

        project - the project, never null
        repo - the repository, associated with the project, never null
        revision - SHA-1 of the commit, never null
        true if the snapshot shall be kept, false otherwise
      • requestUserApproval

        boolean requestUserApproval​(SnapshotGitRequest[] requests)
        Requests user approval of a snapshot operation consisting of the given requests.
        requests - the requests, never null
        true if a user approved the operation, false otherwise