Class FzipIOFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • FzipIOFactory

        public FzipIOFactory​(boolean mmapped,
                             int numThreads,
                             int chunkSize)
        Constructs a new factory.
        mmapped - whether memory mapped IO shall be used to write and read archives
        numThreads - number of threads to be used for compression and decompression, must be positive
        chunkSize - size of archive chunk in bytes, must be positive, values less than 4K are strongly discouraged
        IllegalArgumentException - if argument constraints are not satisfied
      • FzipIOFactory

        public FzipIOFactory​(boolean mmapped,
                             int numThreads)
        Constructs a new factory with default chunk size.
        mmapped - whether memory mapped IO shall be used to write and read archives
        numThreads - number of threads to be used for compression and decompression, must be positive
        IllegalArgumentException - if argument constraints are not satisfied
    • Method Detail

      • openReader

        public IFzipReader openReader​(Path archPath,
                                      IFzipEntryRegistry registry)
                               throws IOException
        Creates a new FastZIP reader.

        The file archPath is required to exist and be a FastZIP archive, created with a compatible registry.

        The returned implementation is not thread-safe.

        archPath - the path to the archive, cannot be null
        registry - the FastZIP entry registry, cannot be null
        the reader, never null
        IOException - if an IO error occurs
      • openWriter

        public IFzipWriter openWriter​(Path archPath,
                                      IFzipEntryRegistry registry)
                               throws IOException
        Creates a new FastZIP writer.

        If the file archPath already exists, it will be overwritten.

        The returned implementation is not thread-safe.

        archPath - the path to the archive, cannot be null
        registry - the FastZIP entry registry, cannot be null
        the writer, never null
        IOException - if an IO error occurs