Interface IBmReferencePersistenceContributor

    • Method Detail

      • createReferenceValue

        Object createReferenceValue​(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject target,
                                    IBmNamespace contextNs)
        Creates internal representation of reference value.
        target - The object (may be a proxy) the reference points to (reference target). May not be null.
        contextNs - The context namespace, i.e. the namespace the referencing object belongs to. May not be null.
        the internal representation of the reference value or null if the target object is not supported by this contributor or reference to the target object may not be created. The class of the returned object must implement equals method so that it returns true in case either reference value points to the same target.
      • resolveTarget

        org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject resolveTarget​(Object value,
                                                    IBmNamespace contextNs,
                                                    IBmPlatformTransaction transaction)
        Resolves target object pointed by the specified reference value. In case the provided value has not been created by this contributor the behaviour of this method is not specified.
        value - The reference value. May not be null.
        contextNs - The context namespace, i.e. the namespace the referencing object belongs to. May not be null.
        transaction - The current transaction. May not be null.
        the target object or null if it does not exist.
      • resolveTargetUri

        org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI resolveTargetUri​(Object value,
                                                         IBmNamespace contextNs)
        Resolves URI of the target object pointed by the specified reference value. In case the provided value has not been created by this contributor the behaviour of this method is not specified.
        value - The reference value. May not be null.
        contextNs - The context namespace, i.e. the namespace the referencing object belongs to. May not be null.
        the URI of the target object, never null.
      • serializeReferenceValue

        void serializeReferenceValue​(Object value,
                                     DataOutput output)
                              throws IOException
        Serializes the specified reference value. In case the provided value has not been created by this contributor the behaviour of this method is not specified.
        value - The reference value to serialize. May not be null.
        output - The data output to write the serialized representation to. May not be null.
      • deserializeReferenceValue

        Object deserializeReferenceValue​(DataInput input)
                                  throws IOException
        Deserializes reference value. In case data supplied by the specified input are corrupt the behaviour of this method is not specified.
        input - The data input to read the serialized representation from. May not be null.
        the deserialized reference value, never null.
      • getId

        String getId()
        Gets ID of the contributor. The ID must not change after the application restart. It is convenient to use the class name of the contributor as the ID unless several instances of the same contributor class are bound to the same engine.
        the ID of the contributor.