Interface IBmPlatformGlobalEditingContext

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface IBmPlatformGlobalEditingContext
    extends IBmPlatformEditingContext
    The global editing context.

    The global editing context #execute(IBmTask) leads to autosave of modified resources.

    The global context has no history of task execution.

    In addition to IBmEditingContext it allows to execute import task.

    • Method Detail

      • executeImportTask

        <T> T executeImportTask​(String name,
                                Object taskId,
                                Object serviceId,
                                IBmPlatformTask<T> task)
        Executes the given import task.
        • If the task execution causes the transaction deadlock (throw BmDeadlockDetectedException), the transaction is rolled back, and the task executed again.
        • If after certain amount of retries the task still fails to execute without deadlock, an exception is thrown.
        • If the task throws any exception other than BmDeadlockDetectedException it is re-thrown.

        Execution of the import task in global context doesn't lead to resource saving in opposite to #execute(IBmTask) method.

        name - TODO
        taskId - TODO
        serviceId - TODO
        task - The task to execute. May be null.
        the result returned by IBmTask.execute(IBmTransaction, IProgressMonitor) method.
        See Also: