Class SelfRemovalContextCollector

    • Constructor Detail

      • SelfRemovalContextCollector

        public SelfRemovalContextCollector​(String segmentId,
                                           org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass supportedType,
                                           String part)
        Creates an instance of the collector with specified paramters.
        segmentId - An identifier of the DD segment, cannot be null
        supportedType - A type of a supported objects, cannot be null
        part - A target part to set as a removal processing target, , cannot be null
    • Method Detail

      • collectContextOnObjectRemoval

        public void collectContextOnObjectRemoval​(IBmObject bmObject,
                                                  org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI uri,
                                                  IBmObject topObject,
                                                  BmSubEvent bmEvent,
                                                  IContextCollectingSession contextSession,
                                                  IBmModel model)
        Description copied from interface: IRemovalContextCollector
        This method allows to gather additional scope for after-removal clearings.
        bmObject - BM-detached object instance received in the process of the removal.
        uri - the URI the object had prior to removal. If the object is top, non-null value is supplied, otherwise not defined.
        bmEvent - the event that has been fired by BM in response to the deassociation
        contextSession - Session of the context collection being used to access object contexts.
        model - The BM model.
      • collectContextOnObjectRemoval

        public void collectContextOnObjectRemoval​(long bmObjectId,
                                                  org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass objectEClass,
                                                  IContextCollectingSession contextSession,
                                                  IBmModel model)
        Description copied from interface: IRemovalContextCollector
        This method allows to gather additional scope for after-removal clearings.
        bmObjectId - The identifier of the object to register the removal for.
        objectEClass - The EClass of the object to register the removal for. Cannot be null
        contextSession - Session of the context collection being used to access object contexts.
        model - The BM model.