AddHandlerStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Add Handler Statement'.
AwaitExpression |
A representation of the model object 'Await Expression'.
AwaitStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Await Statement'.
BinaryExpression |
A representation of the model object 'Binary Expression'.
BinaryPreprocessorExpression |
A representation of the model object 'Binary Preprocessor Expression'.
Block |
A representation of the model object 'Block'.
BooleanLiteral |
A representation of the model object 'Boolean Literal'.
BracketPreprocessorExpression |
A representation of the model object 'Bracket Preprocessor Expression'.
BreakStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Break Statement'.
BslContextDef |
A representation of the model object 'Bsl Context Def'.
BslContextDefFactory |
The Factory for the model.
BslContextDefMethod |
A representation of the model object 'Method'.
BslContextDefMockMethod |
A representation of the model object 'Mock Method'.
BslContextDefMockProperty |
A representation of the model object 'Mock Property'.
BslContextDefPackage |
The Package for the model.
BslContextDefPackage.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each operation of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
BslContextDefProperty |
A representation of the model object 'Property'.
BslDerivedPropertySource |
A representation of the model object 'Derived Property Source'.
BslFactory |
The Factory for the model.
BslIndexFactory |
The Factory for the model.
BslIndexPackage |
The Package for the model.
BslIndexPackage.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each operation of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
BslPackage |
The Package for the model.
BslPackage.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each operation of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
BuiltinFunction |
A representation of the model object 'Builtin Function'.
Conditional |
A representation of the model object 'Conditional'.
ContextDefItemInfo |
A representation of the model object 'Context Def Item Info'.
ContextDefMethodInfo |
A representation of the model object 'Context Def Method Info'.
ContextDefPropertyInfo |
A representation of the model object 'Context Def Property Info'.
ContinueStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Continue Statement'.
DateLiteral |
A representation of the model object 'Date Literal'.
DeclareStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Declare Statement'.
DocumentationElement |
A representation of the model object 'Documentation Element'.
DynamicFeatureAccess |
A representation of the model object 'Dynamic Feature Access'.
EmptyExpression |
A representation of the model object 'Empty Expression'.
EmptyStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Empty Statement'.
EventHandlerStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Event Handler Statement'.
ExecuteStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Execute Statement'.
ExplicitVariable |
A representation of the model object 'Explicit Variable'.
Expression |
A representation of the model object 'Expression'.
ExtendedCollectionType |
A representation of the model object 'Extended Collection Type'.
ExtendedType |
A representation of the model object 'Extended Type'.
FakeReference |
A representation of the model object 'Fake Reference'.
FeatureAccess |
A representation of the model object 'Feature Access'.
FeatureEntry |
A representation of the model object 'Feature Entry'.
FeaturesScopeSpec |
A representation of the model object 'Features Scope Spec'.
ForEachStatement |
A representation of the model object 'For Each Statement'.
FormalParam |
A representation of the model object 'Formal Param'.
ForStatement |
A representation of the model object 'For Statement'.
ForToStatement |
A representation of the model object 'For To Statement'.
Function |
A representation of the model object 'Function'.
FunctionStyleCreator |
A representation of the model object 'Function Style Creator'.
GotoStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Goto Statement'.
IfPreprocessor |
A representation of the model object 'If Preprocessor'.
IfPreprocessorDeclareStatement |
A representation of the model object 'If Preprocessor Declare Statement'.
IfPreprocessorExpression |
A representation of the model object 'If Preprocessor Expression'.
IfPreprocessorStatement |
A representation of the model object 'If Preprocessor Statement'.
IfStatement |
A representation of the model object 'If Statement'.
ImplicitVariable |
A representation of the model object 'Implicit Variable'.
IndexAccess |
A representation of the model object 'Index Access'.
Invocation |
A representation of the model object 'Invocation'.
Label |
A representation of the model object 'Label'.
LabeledStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Labeled Statement'.
Literal |
A representation of the model object 'Literal'.
LoopStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Loop Statement'.
Method |
A representation of the model object 'Method'.
MethodsScopeSpec |
A representation of the model object 'Methods Scope Spec'.
Module |
A representation of the model object 'Module'.
ModuleContextDefIndex |
A representation of the model object 'Module Context Def Index'.
ModuleResourceDescriptionIndex |
A representation of the model object 'Module Resource Description Index'.
NameExpression |
A representation of the model object 'Name Expression'.
NullLiteral |
A representation of the model object 'Null Literal'.
NumberLiteral |
A representation of the model object 'Number Literal'.
OperatorStyleCreator |
A representation of the model object 'Operator Style Creator'.
ParamSet |
A representation of the model object 'Param Set'.
Pragma |
A representation of the model object 'Pragma'.
PragmaTarget |
A representation of the model object 'Pragma Target'.
Preprocessor |
A representation of the model object 'Preprocessor'.
PreprocessorConditional |
A representation of the model object 'Preprocessor Conditional'.
PreprocessorExpression |
A representation of the model object 'Preprocessor Expression'.
PreprocessorIfConditional |
A representation of the model object 'Preprocessor If Conditional'.
PreprocessorItem |
A representation of the model object 'Preprocessor Item'.
PreprocessorItemAllTypeStatements |
A representation of the model object 'Preprocessor Item All Type Statements'.
PreprocessorItemDeclareStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Preprocessor Item Declare Statement'.
PreprocessorItemExpression |
A representation of the model object 'Preprocessor Item Expression'.
PreprocessorItemMethodStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Preprocessor Item Method Statement'.
PreprocessorItemModule |
A representation of the model object 'Preprocessor Item Module'.
PreprocessorItemStatements |
A representation of the model object 'Preprocessor Item Statements'.
PreprocessorLiteralExpression |
A representation of the model object 'Preprocessor Literal Expression'.
Procedure |
A representation of the model object 'Procedure'.
PropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Property Type'.
RaiseStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Raise Statement'.
RegionPreprocessor |
A representation of the model object 'Region Preprocessor'.
RegionPreprocessorDeclareStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Region Preprocessor Declare Statement'.
RegionPreprocessorExpression |
A representation of the model object 'Region Preprocessor Expression'.
RegionPreprocessorStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Region Preprocessor Statement'.
RemoveHandlerStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Remove Handler Statement'.
ReturnStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Return Statement'.
SimpleStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Simple Statement'.
SourceObjectLinkProvider |
A representation of the model object 'Source Object Link Provider'.
Statement |
A representation of the model object 'Statement'.
StaticFeatureAccess |
A representation of the model object 'Static Feature Access'.
StringLiteral |
A representation of the model object 'String Literal'.
TryExceptStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Try Except Statement'.
UnaryExpression |
A representation of the model object 'Unary Expression'.
UnaryPreprocessorExpression |
A representation of the model object 'Unary Preprocessor Expression'.
UndefinedLiteral |
A representation of the model object 'Undefined Literal'.
UnlabeledStatement |
A representation of the model object 'Unlabeled Statement'.
Variable |
A representation of the model object 'Variable'.
VariablesScopeSpec |
A representation of the model object 'Variables Scope Spec'.
VersionedElement |
A representation of the model object 'Versioned Element'.
WhileStatement |
A representation of the model object 'While Statement'.