Interface IComparisonParticipant

    • Method Detail

      • supports

        boolean supports​(ComparisonNode node)
        Indicates whether the participant supports comparison and merging of the specified node.
        node - the node, not null
        true if the participant supports comparison and merging, false otherwise
      • getModelPackage

        org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage getModelPackage()
        Get EMF model package.
        the EMF model packge. Never code null.
      • compare

        List<Long> compare​(TopComparisonNode node,
                           ComparisonContext comparisonContext,
                           org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
        Compares objects contained in the specified model top node and returns a list of child nodes to be compared.
        node - the top node to run comparison for, not null
        comparisonContext - the comparison context, not null
        monitor - the progress monitor, can be null. The clients are not supposed to report work to the monitor, except for the top object matching phase
        a list of model node identifiers, never null
      • merge

        org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus merge​(TopComparisonNode node,
                                               MergeContext context,
                                               org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
        Merges the differences in the specified top node in the specified merge session. This may include deletion of the main object if the other object is absent, or, conversely, import ("copying") of the other object if the main object is absent.
        node - the top node to run merge for, not null
        context - the current merge context, not null
        monitor - the progress monitor, not null
        the result of the merge operation
      • createMergeContext

        MergeContext createMergeContext​(TopComparisonNode node,
                                        IMergeSession mergeSession,
                                        ComparisonContext comparisonContext)
        Creates merge context for an upcoming merge operation.
        node - the top node to be merged, not null
        mergeSession - the current merge session, not null
        comparisonContext - the comparison context, not null
      • onChildrenMerged

        void onChildrenMerged​(TopComparisonNode topNode,
                              MergeContext context)
        Called when the child nodes of the specified top node have been merged.
        topNode - the top node, not null
        context - Current merge operation context, not null
      • getForcedDDRebuildScope

        Map<String,​IBmObject> getForcedDDRebuildScope​(TopComparisonNode topNode,
                                                            MergeContext context)
        In case if the merge process changes the top object it should supply information about affected DDs.
        topNode - The top node of the comparison model representing the merged object, not null
        context - Current merge operation context, not null
        The map of the affected DD segments and corresponding objects, may be empty, never null
      • getPotentialCorrespondingNodes

        List<ComparisonNode> getPotentialCorrespondingNodes​(ComparisonNode node,
                                                            ComparisonSide sourceSide)
        Returns a list of candidate nodes for setting as corresponding to the specified node.
        node - the comparison result node to find potential correspondences for, not null
        sourceSide - the source side of the correspondence, not null
        a list of comparison result nodes, may be empty, never null
      • breakCorrespondence

        void breakCorrespondence​(ComparisonContext comparisonContext,
                                 ComparisonNode node)
        Breaks the correspondence for the specified node.
        comparisonContext - the comparison context, not null
        node - the node with the correspondence to break, not null
      • updateComparison

        void updateComparison​(ComparisonContext comparisonContext,
                              ComparisonNode node,
                              List<Long> newNodeIds)
        Updates comparison for the given result node. Participants could introduce their own specific logic for managing internal states on comparison update.
        comparisonContext - the comparison context, not null
        node - the node to update comparison for, not null
        newNodeIds - the list of created new node Ids to fill, not null
      • addNewTopObjectToComparison

        TopComparisonNode addNewTopObjectToComparison​(IComparisonSession comparisonSession,
                                                      String mainSymlink,
                                                      org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass)
        Adds a new node to the comparison for the top object. Participants could introduce their own specific logic for managing internal states on comparison update.
        comparisonSession - the comparison session hosting the model, not null
        mainSymlink - the symlink for the top object to add, not null
        eClass - of the object ot add, not null
        The created result node for the object if supports. null otherwise.
      • combineOneSideNodes

        void combineOneSideNodes​(ComparisonContext comparisonContext,
                                 ComparisonNode mainNode,
                                 ComparisonNode otherNode,
                                 List<Long> newNodeIds)
        Combines the specified two one-side nodes. The participant fills array of new node Ids created while combining the specified nodes. These node Ids must be scheduled for comparison in the external code.
        comparisonContext - the comparison context, not null
        mainNode - the one-side MAIN node to be combined, not null
        otherNode - the one-side OTHER node to be combined, not null
        newNodeIds - the list of new node Ids to fill, not null
      • ableToBreakCorrespondence

        boolean ableToBreakCorrespondence​(ComparisonNode node)
        Tells whether to able to break the correspondence for the specified node.
        node - the comparison node to check, not null
        true if it is possible to break the correspondence, false otherwise
      • retrieveComparedObjects

        IComparedObjects<?> retrieveComparedObjects​(ComparisonContext comparisonContext,
                                                    ComparisonNode node)
        Returns a compared EObjects triple for the specified model node.
        comparisonContext - the comparison context, not null
        node - the model node, cannot be null
        the compared objects triple, never null
      • prepareRenameOperations

        List<IRenameOnMergeOperation> prepareRenameOperations​(IMergeSession mergeSession,
                                                              ComparisonContext context)
        Gets a list of rename operations prepared by this participant.
        mergeSession - the merge session, not null
        context - the comparison context, not null
        the list of rename operations, never null
      • validateMerge

        void validateMerge​(IMergeSession mergeSession,
                           ComparisonContext comparisonContext,
                           ComparisonNode node,
                           List<MergeValidationProblem> validationProblems)
        Validates the process of merge of the specified model node.
        mergeSession - the merge session, not null
        comparisonContext - the comparison context, not null
        node - the model node
        validationProblems - the list of collected validation problems to add new problem to
      • clear

        void clear()
        Clears the participant caches.
      • adoptExternalProperty

        boolean adoptExternalProperty​(IComparisonSession session,
                                      ExternalPropertyComparisonData extPropData)
        Adopts the given external property if it is supported by the participant instance. If adopting is possible, the method fills the provided comparison data container by its own data to be used for adoption.
        session - the comparison session, not null
        extPropData - the data of the external property to be adopted, cannot be null
        true if adopting is possible, false otherwise
      • supportsPrioritizedMerging

        boolean supportsPrioritizedMerging​(ComparisonNode node,
                                           IComparisonSession session)
        Tells whether the given node supports prioritized merging.
        node - the node to check, cannot be null
        session - the comparison session, cannot be null
        true if the node supports prioritized merging, false otherwise
      • supportsCustomMerging

        boolean supportsCustomMerging​(ComparisonNode node,
                                      IComparisonSession session)
        Tells whether the given node supports custom merging.
        node - the node to check, cannot be null
        session - the comparison session, cannot be null
        true if the node supports custom merging, false otherwise
      • supportsMergingUsingExternalTool

        boolean supportsMergingUsingExternalTool​(ComparisonNode node,
                                                 IComparisonSession session)
        Tells whether the given node supports merging using external tool.
        node - the comparison node to check, cannot be null
        session - the comparison session, cannot be null
        true if the node supports merging using external tool, false otherwise
      • breakMainSideCorrespondence

        void breakMainSideCorrespondence​(IComparisonSession session,
                                         ComparisonNode node)
        Breaks the main side correspondence represented by the specified model node.
        session - the comparison session hosting the model, can not be null
        node - the node with the correspondence to break, can not be null
      • isExcludedFromComparison

        boolean isExcludedFromComparison​(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature feature,
                                         AbstractComparedEmfObjects<?> comparedContextObjects,
                                         IComparisonSession session)
        Checks whether the feature must be excluded from the comparison.
        feature - the feature to check, cannot be null
        comparedContextObjects - the triple of compared objects, cannot be null
        session - the comparison session, cannot be null
        true if the feature must be excluded, false otherwise
      • getDefaultMergeRule

        MergeRule getDefaultMergeRule​(ComparisonNode node,
                                      IComparisonSession session)
        Returns the default merge rule for the given node.
        node - the node to get default merge rule for, can not be null
        session - the comparison session, can not be null
        the default merge rule or null if it wasn't specified
      • adoptMainSideFeature

        org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature adoptMainSideFeature​(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature mainSideFeature,
                                                                      IComparisonSession session)
        Converts, if possible, the main side feature into a other supported by the other side object.
        mainSideFeature - the main side feature to convert, cannot be null
        session - the comparison session, cannot be null
        the converted feature applicable for other side object or null
      • getDefaultMustBeMerged

        Boolean getDefaultMustBeMerged​(ComparisonNode node,
                                       IComparisonSession session)
        Returns the default must be merged value for the given node.
        node - the node to get default must be merged value for, can not be null
        session - the comparison session, can not be null
        the default must be merged value or null if it wasn't specified
      • saveCustomSettings

        void saveCustomSettings​(ComparisonNode node,
                                SerializableMergeSettings container,
                                IComparisonSession session)
        Saves custom settings for the specified node into the given merge settings container. Does nothing if the node doesn't have any custom settings.
        node - the comparison node to save custom settings for, cannot be null
        container - the container of serializable settings, cannot be null
        session - the comparison session, cannot be null
      • restoreCustomSettings

        void restoreCustomSettings​(ComparisonNode node,
                                   SerializableMergeSettings container,
                                   IComparisonSession session)
        Restores custom settings for the specified node from the given merge settings container.
        node - the comparison node to restore custom settings for, cannot be null
        container - the container of serializable settings, cannot be null
        session - the comparison session, cannot be null
      • isCandidateForPotentialMergeProblems

        boolean isCandidateForPotentialMergeProblems​(ComparisonNode node,
                                                     IComparisonSession session)
        Tells whether the given node may break the configuration if it is merged.
        node - the node to check, cannot be null
        session - the comparison session, cannot be null
        true if the node may break the configuration, false otherwise
      • getPotentialMergeProblemsDescriptions

        List<PotentialMergeProblemDescription> getPotentialMergeProblemsDescriptions​(ComparisonNode node,
                                                                                     ComparisonContext comparisonContext)
        Returns human-readable descriptions of potential merge problems if the the specified node is merged.
        node - the node to get merge problems descriptions for, cannot be null
        comparisonContext - the comparison context, cannot be null
        the list of descriptions, never null, can be empty if the node doesn't bring any merge problems
      • mergeUsingExternalTool

        ExternalMergeToolResult mergeUsingExternalTool​(ComparisonNode node,
                                                       ComparisonContext comparisonContext,
                                                       org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
        Merges nodes using an external tool that are supported by this participant.
        node - the comparison node, cannot be null
        comparisonContext - the comparison context, cannot be null
        monitor - the progress monitor, cannot be null
        the external merge tool result or null if no nodes were merged