Interface IConfigurationProjectManager

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface IConfigurationProjectManager
    extends IManagedService
    Manager of V8 configuration projects.
    See Also:
    IV8ProjectManager, IConfigurationProject
    This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
    This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String SERVICE_NAME
      Service name.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject create​(String projectName, Version version, LibraryDescriptor libraryDescriptor, LibraryDependency libraryDependency, Configuration configuration, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
      Creates V8 configuration project in workspace: Creates actual workspace project with the given name.
      org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject create​(String projectName, Version version, Configuration configuration, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
      Creates V8 configuration project in workspace: Creates actual workspace project with the given name.
      org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject create​(String projectName, Path projectPath, Version version, LibraryDescriptor libraryDescriptor, LibraryDependency libraryDependency, Configuration configuration, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
      Creates V8 configuration project: Creates actual workspace project with the given name in the given path Creates project manifest with the given Version and LibraryDependency content.
      org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject create​(String projectName, Path projectPath, Version version, Configuration configuration, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
      Creates V8 configuration project: Creates actual workspace project with the given name in the given path Creates project manifest with the given Version content.
      IConfigurationProject getProject​(String projectName)
      Gets the project handle using the project name as a reference.
    • Field Detail


        static final String SERVICE_NAME
        Service name. May be used in service recovery or service lifecycle orchestration.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • create

        org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject create​(String projectName,
                                                   Version version,
                                                   Configuration configuration,
                                                   org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
                                            throws org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException
        Creates V8 configuration project in workspace:
        • Creates actual workspace project with the given name.
        • Creates project manifest with the given Version content.
        • Creates underlying BM model.
        • Attaches the given configuration (if not null) to the created project.

        Clients may later access project handle with IV8ProjectManager and created project handle will have IConfigurationProject type.

        projectName - the name to create project with, cannot be null
        version - the 1C:Enterprise Runtime version to create project manifest with, cannot be null
        configuration - the configuration to attach to the project, or null then no configuration will be attached to the project during method execution
        monitor - the progress monitor to report progress to or null if progress report is not needed
        the created configuration project, never null
        org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException - if an exception occurs while creating; reasons include:
        • project with provided name already exists
        • project creation fail
        • underlying BM model creation fail
      • create

        org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject create​(String projectName,
                                                   Path projectPath,
                                                   Version version,
                                                   Configuration configuration,
                                                   org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
                                            throws org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException
        Creates V8 configuration project:
        • Creates actual workspace project with the given name in the given path
        • Creates project manifest with the given Version content.
        • Creates underlying BM model.
        • Attaches the given configuration (if not null) to the created project.

        Clients may later access project handle with IV8ProjectManager and created project handle will have IConfigurationProject type.

        projectName - the name to create project with, cannot be null
        projectPath - the path to create project, cannot be null
        version - the 1C:Enterprise Runtime version to create project manifest with, cannot be null
        configuration - the configuration to attach to the project, or null then no configuration will be attached to the project during method execution
        monitor - the progress monitor to report progress to or null if progress report is not needed
        the created configuration project, never null
        org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException - if an exception occurs while creating; reasons include:
        • project with provided name already exists
        • project creation fail
        • underlying BM model creation fail
      • create

        org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject create​(String projectName,
                                                   Version version,
                                                   LibraryDescriptor libraryDescriptor,
                                                   LibraryDependency libraryDependency,
                                                   Configuration configuration,
                                                   org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
                                            throws org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException
        Creates V8 configuration project in workspace:
        • Creates actual workspace project with the given name.
        • Creates project manifest with the given Version and LibraryDependency content.
        • Creates underlying BM model.
        • Attaches the given configuration (if not null) to the created project.

        Clients may later access project handle with IV8ProjectManager and created project handle will have IConfigurationProject type.

        projectName - the name to create project with, cannot be null
        version - the 1C:Enterprise Runtime version to create project manifest with, cannot be null
        libraryDescriptor - the library descriptor to be used for this project, cannot be null
        libraryDependency - the dependency on a library, cannot be null
        configuration - the configuration to attach to the project, or null then no configuration will be attached to the project during method execution
        monitor - the progress monitor to report progress to or null if progress report is not needed
        the created configuration project, never null
        org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException - if an exception occurs while creating; reasons include:
        • project with provided name already exists
        • project creation fail
        • underlying BM model creation fail
      • create

        org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject create​(String projectName,
                                                   Path projectPath,
                                                   Version version,
                                                   LibraryDescriptor libraryDescriptor,
                                                   LibraryDependency libraryDependency,
                                                   Configuration configuration,
                                                   org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
                                            throws org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException
        Creates V8 configuration project:
        • Creates actual workspace project with the given name in the given path
        • Creates project manifest with the given Version and LibraryDependency content.
        • Creates underlying BM model.
        • Attaches the given configuration (if not null) to the created project.

        Clients may later access project handle with IV8ProjectManager and created project handle will have IConfigurationProject type.

        projectName - the name to create project with, cannot be null
        projectPath - the path to create project, cannot be null
        version - the 1C:Enterprise Runtime version to create project manifest with, cannot be null
        libraryDescriptor - the library descriptor to be used for this project, cannot be null
        libraryDependency - the dependency on a library, cannot be null
        configuration - the configuration to attach to the project, or null then no configuration will be attached to the project during method execution
        monitor - the progress monitor to report progress to or null if progress report is not needed
        the created configuration project, never null
        org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException - if an exception occurs while creating; reasons include:
        • project with provided name already exists
        • project creation fail
        • underlying BM model creation fail
      • getProject

        IConfigurationProject getProject​(String projectName)
        Gets the project handle using the project name as a reference. It's able to returen V8 project only for an active DT project being opened in the workspace
        projectName - The name of the project, cannot be null.
        Project handle in case if already registered. null in case if no project with the given name is registered.