Class BaseBmBlobImporter

    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseBmBlobImporter

        protected BaseBmBlobImporter​(IBmModelManager bmModelManager)
        Constructs an instance
        bmModelManager - The IBmModelManager service reference. May not be null
    • Method Detail

      • handleResourceCreationOrModification

        protected final byte[] handleResourceCreationOrModification​(IBmPlatformTransaction transaction,
                                                                    IBmNamespace namespace,
                                                                    IDtProject project,
                                                                    org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath path,
                                                                    InputStream content,
                                                                    boolean fullOverride)
        Description copied from class: TransactionalBmContentImporter
        Handles a data import process for an imported resource
        Specified by:
        handleResourceCreationOrModification in class TransactionalBmContentImporter
        transaction - The data import BM transaction. Never null
        namespace - The target BM namespace for an import. Never null
        project - The target IDtProject. Never null
        path - The imported resource path. May not be null
        content - The imported content stream. May not be null
        fullOverride - Data full override import mode
        Signature of imported data. Never null
      • extractBlobInfo

        protected abstract BaseBmBlobImporter.BlobInfo extractBlobInfo​(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath path)
        Extracts blob information from the specified workspace file path.
        path - The workspace file path. May not be null.
        extracted blob information. Never null.