Interface ITextSearchRefactoringSupplier

    • Method Detail

      • createChanges

        Collection<org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change> createChanges​(org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile file,
                                                                          org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change normalRefactoringChange,
                                                                          Collection<TextSearchFileMatch> matches,
                                                                          String oldName,
                                                                          String newName)
        Creates Changes for concrete IFile in project and collection of Match corresponding to the file
        file - concrete IFile in project containing search results, cannot be null
        normalRefactoringChange - refactoring change, if we found correct full text search match in file with normal refactoring changes, we should add full text search changes to exiting change, cannot be null
        matches - collection of Match corresponding to the file, cannot be null
        oldName - original name, cannot be null
        newName - new name of the renaming element, cannot be null
        created Changes for concrete IFile in project and collection of Match corresponding to the file
      • createChanges

        Collection<org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change> createChanges​(IBmObject bmObject,
                                                                          org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change normalRefactoringChange,
                                                                          Collection<TextSearchModelMatch> matches,
                                                                          String oldName,
                                                                          String newName)
        Creates Changes for concrete IBmObject if there is no IFile for it and collection of Match corresponding to the this object
        bmObject - concrete IBmObject containing search results, cannot be null
        normalRefactoringChange - refactoring change, if we found correct full text search match in file with normal refactoring changes, we should add full text search changes to exiting change, cannot be null
        matches - collection of Match corresponding to the file, cannot be null
        oldName - original name, cannot be null
        newName - new name of the renaming element, cannot be null
        created Changes for concrete IBmObject in project and collection of Match corresponding to the object
      • getMatches

        Collection<Match> getMatches​(org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change change,
                                     SimpleSearchResultCollector collector)
        Gets all found Match in full text search except matches intersect with change
        change - refactoring change for filtering matches which intersect with them, cannot be null
        collector - SimpleSearchResultCollector text search collector, cannot be null
        all found Match in full text search except matches intersect with change, never null
      • getGroupingObject

        default IBmObject getGroupingObject​(IBmObject matchObject)
        Gets object for grouping search result for refactoring
        matchObject - actual object for refactoring, cannot be null
        grouping IBmObject, never null