Interface INamingServiceProvider

  • public interface INamingServiceProvider
    Provider of a naming information for a INamingService. Business subsystems must implement it to contribute the business-specific naming information to the INamingService
    Partial implementation of providing methods is possible in case if the subsystem provides resources/objects with a specific nature
    • Method Detail

      • getDependentObjectFqnAsString

        default String getDependentObjectFqnAsString​(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI parentObjectUri,
                                                     org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass targetEClass)
        Gets dependent object FQN in a form of a string representation
        parentObjectUri - The parent object URI. May not be null
        targetEClass - Target EClass of a required dependent object. May not be null
        The textual representation of an FQN if applocable. null otherwise
      • getParentObjectUri

        default org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI getParentObjectUri​(String dependentObjectFqn,
                                                                   String projectName)
        Gets the parent object URI using the provided matching dependent object URI. The matching should be always one to one (a single dependent object may not have multiple parents)
        dependentObjectFQN - The dependent object FQN. May not be null
        projectName - The name of a target project. May not be null
        The parent object URI if any. null otherwise
      • getParentObjectUri

        default org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI getParentObjectUri​(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI dependentObjectUri)
        Gets the parent object URI using the provided matching dependent object URI. The matching should be always one to one (a single dependent object may not have multiple parents)
        dependentObjectUri - Dependent object URI (with project information within the URI). May not be null
        The parent object URI if any. null otherwise
      • getParentObjectUriAsString

        default String getParentObjectUriAsString​(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI dependentObjectUri)
        Gets the parent object URI (in form of string) using the provided matching dependent object URI. The matching should be always one to one (a single dependent object may not have multiple parents)
        dependentObjectUri - The dependent object URI. May not be null
        The textual representation of a parent object URI. May be null
      • getParentObjectUriByDependentUriMatcher

        default Predicate<org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI> getParentObjectUriByDependentUriMatcher()
      • getParentObjectUriMatcher

        default Predicate<String> getParentObjectUriMatcher()
      • getProjectPath

        default String getProjectPath​(String sourceUri,
                                      boolean includeFragment)
        Gets universal relative project path from the provided URI. Optionally adds fragment to the result path using '#' delimeter
        sourceUri - Source URI in form of a string. Supports resource, plugin and BM schemes. May not be null
        includeFragment - Include fragment of a given URI into the result
        The textual representation of a path. May be null
      • getProjectPath

        default String getProjectPath​(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI sourceUri,
                                      boolean includeFragment)
        Gets universal relative project path from the provided URI. Optionally adds fragment to the result path using '#' delimeter
        sourceUri - Source URI. Supports resource, plugin and BM schemes. May not be null
        includeFragment - Include fragment of a given URI into the result
        The textual representation of a path. May be null
      • getProjectPathFromUriMatcher

        default Predicate<org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI> getProjectPathFromUriMatcher()
        A matcher for a getProjectPath(URI, boolean) operation. Matches provided URIs
        A matcher. May be null