Interface ICliSession

  • public interface ICliSession
    Session information and special functions. To get an instance of this class, just declare a parameter of this type in you command's method:
    • Method Detail

      • criticalSection

        <T> T criticalSection​(Callable<T> task)
                       throws Exception
        Runs code in a critical section. Command execution will not be terminated by timeout while inside of a critical section. The timeout restarts when the execution leaves the critical section.
        Type Parameters:
        T - critical section return type.
        task - task to run in a critical section. It will run in the same thread.
        return value of the task.
        Exception - if the task throws exception, it will be thrown from this method.
        See Also:
      • criticalSection

        void criticalSection​(Runnable task)
        Runs code in a critical section. Command execution will not be terminated by timeout while inside of a critical section. The timeout restarts when the execution leaves the critical section.
        task - task to run in a critical section. It will run in the same thread.
        RuntimeException - if the task throws exception, it will be thrown from this method.
        See Also:
      • readLine

        String readLine​(String printMessage)
                 throws IOException
        Reads a line of user input from the console:
             String userName = session.readLine("Please enter your name: ");
        This method prints the optional message to console and blocks until the user presses Enter. Then it returns the line user entered. This method does not count to the command's timeout. Do not wrap it in criticalSection(Callable).
        printMessage - optional message to print to the user before waiting for their input. May be null.
        A String containing the contents of the line user entered, not including any line-termination characters. May be null, if the end of the console stream has been reached without reading any characters.
      • getVariable

        Object getVariable​(String name)
        Get the value of a variable.
        name - name of the variable.
        variable value, or null.
      • getVariables

        Set<String> getVariables()
        Returns all variable names.
        variable names, never null.
      • putVariable

        Object putVariable​(String name,
                           Object value)
        Set the value of a variable.
        name - name of the variable.
        value - value of the variable. Use null to delete variable.
        previous value of the variable, or null.
      • getCommandLine

        String getCommandLine()
        Returns the unparsed command line which is being executed now.
        command line, never null.
      • getCommandName

        String getCommandName()
        Returns the name of the command being executed.
        command name, never null.
      • getRawCommandArguments

        Map<String,​Object> getRawCommandArguments()
        Returns the raw (unprocessed) arguments of the command being executed. The types of them may differ from what the command method received.
        map of raw (unprocessed) arguments of the command being executed, never null. Keys are the command line keys of the arguments, values are the raw (unprocessed) values. For keyless (positional) argument (if any), the empty string is used for the key.