Class TypeSection

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TypeSection
    extends BslDocumentationComment.Section
    Class represents type section in Bsl documentation comment. Type section can contain some parts:
     [TypeName1, TypeName2:
         extraFieldForType2 (TypeSection for field)? (description of the field)?
    If user want that collection type contains special type for elements in collection - should used IBslCommentToken.CONTAINS Examle of Array that contains elements with String type
     [Array contains String]
    Complicated case, when Array contains some types String and Structure, and Structure has extra fields
     [Array contains String, Structure:
    • Constructor Detail

      • TypeSection

        public TypeSection​(IDescriptionPart parent,
                           int lineNumber,
                           int offset,
                           int headerKeywordLength)
        parent - the parent object, cannot be null.
        lineNumber - number of line from the comment begining corresponding to the start line of the section
        offset - local line offset of the begining section on the line
        headerKeywordLength - length of the keyword of the section
      • TypeSection

        public TypeSection​(IDescriptionPart parent,
                           int lineNumber)
        Constructor. This constructor should be used if section description created programmatically
        parent - the parent object, cannot be null.
        lineNumber - number of line from the comment begining corresponding to the start line of the section