Interface IDescriptionPart

    • Method Detail

      • getParent

        IDescriptionPart getParent()
        Gets the parent object.
        the parent object, can return null if it is root object BslDocumentationComment or object created separetly form parsing source code.
      • getOffset

        int getOffset()
        Gets offset of the begining part. Offset - local inline offset
        offset of the begining part.
      • getLineNumber

        int getLineNumber()
        Gets the line nubmer corresponding to part. Numeration starts from 0 Line number - line number corresponding to the begining of the documentation comment. Each comment starts with line with number 0
        the line nubmer corresponding to part
      • match

        boolean match​(int lineNumber,
                      int offset)
        Checks that this description part corresponding to the concrete line number and offset
        lineNumber - number of the documentation comment line
        offset - local offset on the comment line
        true if this description part corresponding to the send line number and offset, false otherwise