Class AbstractEmfBasedComparisonParticipant.BmIdsWrapper

  • Enclosing class:

    protected class AbstractEmfBasedComparisonParticipant.BmIdsWrapper
    extends Object
    Wrapper to store bm ids of child nodes to be compared later in a separate thread.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BmIdsWrapper

        public BmIdsWrapper​(TopComparisonNode topNode,
                            List<Long> bmIdsWrappingList)
        Creates wrapper instance for the specified node.
        topNode - the top node for which to wrap child bm ids, cannot be null
        bmIdsWrappingList - the list of bm ids to wrap, will be filled by new ids during comparison, cannot be null
    • Method Detail

      • createChildNode

        public void createChildNode​(LazyNodeProvider<? extends ComparisonNode> parentNodeProvider,
                                    IComparisonSession session,
                                    ComparedFeatures<org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference> comparedExternalProperties,
                                    AbstractComparedEmfObjects<?> comparingObject)
        Creates new child node and stores it in the wrapped list.
        parentNodeProvider - the provider of a parent node for the child node to be created, can be null
        session - the comparison session
        comparedExternalProperties - the compared external property feature for which to create child node
        comparingObject - the triple of objects to be compared
      • getChildrenBmIds

        public List<Long> getChildrenBmIds()
        Returns wrapped list of bm ids of child nodes.
        the list of bm ids, never null