Class InfobaseUpdateDialogBasedCallback

    • Constructor Detail

      • InfobaseUpdateDialogBasedCallback

        public InfobaseUpdateDialogBasedCallback​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell shell,
                                                 IV8ProjectManager v8projectManager,
                                                 IDtComparisonEditorInputFactory compareEditorInputFactory,
                                                 IComparisonManager comparisonManager,
                                                 com._1c.g5.ides.monitoring.IMonitoringEventDispatcher monitoringEventDispatcher,
                                                 IWorkspaceOrchestrator workspaceOrchestrator,
                                                 IQualifiedNameFilePathConverter qualifiedNameFilePathConverter)
        Creates an instance of InfobaseUpdateDialogBasedCallback.
        shell - the parent shell to dispay changes to user, cannot be null
        v8projectManager - the V8 project manager, cannot be null
        compareEditorInputFactory - the compare editor input factory, cannot be null
        comparisonManager - the comparison process manager, cannot be null
        monitoringEventDispatcher - the monitoring event dispatcher, cannot be null
        workspaceOrchestrator - the workspace orchestrator, cannot be null
        qualifiedNameFilePathConverter - the qualified mame file path converter, cannot be null
    • Method Detail

      • setAllowOverrideConflict

        public void setAllowOverrideConflict​(boolean allowOverride)
        Sets whether update conflict dialog allows user to override infobase changes with project content. By default the value is true.
        allowOverride - whether update conflict dialog allows user to override infobase changes with project content
      • onConfirm

        public boolean onConfirm​(org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject project,
                                 InfobaseReference infobase,
                                 List<com._1c.g5.designer.ssh.client.operation.IDbStructureChange> changes,
                                 org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
        Description copied from interface: IInfobaseUpdateCallback
        Confirm the provided database structure changes. Clients need to implement and return true whether need to apply changes to database or false to deny changes and cancel update.
        Specified by:
        onConfirm in interface IInfobaseUpdateCallback
        project - the project to update infobase for, cannot be null
        infobase - the updating infobase, cannot be null
        changes - the database structure changes, cannot be null
        monitor - the progress monitor to report progress to, cannot be null
        true whether need to apply changes to database or false to deny changes
      • getActivePage

        public org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage getActivePage()