Class RuntimeInstallationWizardPage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogPage, org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IMessageProvider, org.eclipse.jface.wizard.IWizardPage

    public class RuntimeInstallationWizardPage
    extends AbstractDataBoundWizardPage
    1C:Enterprise Runtime definition page of RuntimeInstallationWizard.
    • Method Detail

      • doCreateControl

        public org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite doCreateControl​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent)
        Description copied from class: AbstractDataBoundWizardPage
        Create page control and return it's composite. Subclass must add UI elements in this method.
        Specified by:
        doCreateControl in class AbstractDataBoundWizardPage
        parent - parent composite, cannot be null
        return child composite, to set control to, never null
      • init

        public void init​(RuntimeInstallation runtimeInstallation,
                         Collection<String> existedNames,
                         Version version)
        Initializes the wizard page.
        runtimeInstallation - the 1C:Enterprise runtime installation, cannot be null
        existedNames - collection of already existed names, wizard cannot create installation with any of it, cannot be null
        version - the 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation version filter, can be null
      • bind

        protected void bind​(org.eclipse.core.databinding.DataBindingContext databindingContext)
        Description copied from class: AbstractDataBoundWizardPage
        Bind UI elements. Default implementation does nothing.
        bind in class AbstractDataBoundWizardPage
        databindingContext - databinding context to bind to, cannot be null
      • createRuntimeInstallationFields

        protected void createRuntimeInstallationFields​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent)
        Creates 1C:Enterprise runtime installations fields UI input elements.
        parent - the parent composite, cannot be null
      • createRuntimeComponentViewer

        protected void createRuntimeComponentViewer​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent)
        Creates 1C:Enterprise runtime component table.
        parent - the parent composite, cannot be null
      • browseInstallPath

        protected void browseInstallPath​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text text)
        Browses the install path of the 1C:Enterprise runtime installations and sets result to the provided widget.
        text - the text to set result to, cannot be null
      • setBrowseText

        protected void setBrowseText​(String browseText)
        Sets text for the browse button.
        browseText - the text to set, cannot be null
      • convertInstallLocation

        protected URI convertInstallLocation​(URI location)
        Converts the given input location to the 1C:Enterprise runtime installation location.
        location - the given input location to convert, can be null
        converted path, never null
      • setComponents

        protected void setComponents​(RuntimeInstallation installation)
        Resolves the given 1C:Enterprise runtime installation components and set them to the component viewer.
        installation - the 1C:Enterprise runtime installation to resolve components for, cannot be null
      • eraseComponents

        protected void eraseComponents()
        Erases the component viewer content.
      • getRuntimeInstallationManager

        protected IRuntimeInstallationManager getRuntimeInstallationManager()
        Returns the runtime installation manager to use.
        the runtime installation manager, never null
      • createInstallation

        protected RuntimeInstallation createInstallation​(URI location)
        Create 1C:Enterprise Runtime installation by the given install location.
        installLocation - the install location to create installation with, cannot be null
        1C:Enterprise Runtime installation by the given install location
      • validateLocationAndVersion

        protected org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus validateLocationAndVersion​(URI location,
                                                                              Version version,
                                                                              int build)
        Validates 1C:Enterprise runtime location and version.
        location - the location of 1C:Enterprise Runtime, cannot be null
        version - the version of 1C:Enterprise Runtime, cannot be null
        build - the build number of 1C:Enterprise Runtime, must be positive
        status of validation, never null
      • isTraining

        protected boolean isTraining​(RuntimeInstallation installation)
        Returns whether the given 1C:Enterprise runtime installation represents training runtime platform.
        installation - the 1C:Enterprise runtime installation to check, cannot be null
        whether the given 1C:Enterprise runtime installation represents training runtime platform